is parallel cause data lost?another Oracle Bug?

From: Havel Zhang <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 00:18:22 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

hi all:

       I'm using Oracle 10g 2.0.3. on Windows Server 2003 64bit Service Pack2. I found some strange thing.

       When I have set parameter:parallel_execution_message_size = 65535 and alter some table parallel degree to 8 or 4. If the table have huge data volumn, when I join this table with another table like follow:
alter table table_a parallel 8;
alter table table_b parallel 8;

    insert into table_c
    select a.*,b.column_b
    from table_a inner join table_b on a.column_b = b.column b

 it's a normal insert query. The strange thing is: When I just query :

    select a.*,b.column_b
    from table_a inner join table_b on a.column_b = b.column b

 it's no problem. but when I do insert:

    insert into table_c
    select a.*,b.column_b
    from table_a inner join table_b on a.column_b = b.column b

it will lost data! some data will missing when insert into table_c!

but, when i set all these table back to no parallel: alter table table_a noparallel;
alter table table_b noparallel;

do the same query, we'll get right data. Why? any one have answer? another Oracle Bug? Received on Tue Sep 01 2009 - 02:18:22 CDT

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