Re: Question about redo size in dump file and view

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 20:10:10 +0100
Message-ID: <>

"lsllcm" <> wrote in message
> Hi Friends,
> I have a question about redo size generated by insert statement.
> Here I want to get redo size of insert/update statement, but the size
> from redo dump is different from view.
> Below is my test case.
> 1. create test table
> create table t4 ( a number) tablespace users;
> 2. insert into one row
> alter system switch logfile;
> insert into t4 values (1);
> commit;
> alter system switch logfile;
> 4. dump redo file
> alter system dump logfile 'C:\APP\LCM\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG'
> 5. get redo size from one session
> SELECT, s.value FROM v$sesstat s, v$statname n WHERE
> s.statistic# = n.statistic# AND = 'redo size' and s.sid = 139;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> redo
> size 0
> 6. in same session, run insert statement
> insert into t4 values (1);
> commit;
> 7. get redo size of the session in step 5/6 from another session
> SELECT, s.value FROM v$sesstat s, v$statname n WHERE
> s.statistic# = n.statistic# AND = 'redo size' and s.sid = 139;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> redo
> size 140
> redo size for lost write
> detection 0
> 8. get length of redo in step 4. The length is 488.
> REDO RECORD - Thread:1 RBA: 0x000142.00000002.0010 LEN: 0x01e8 VLD:
> 0x0d
> SCN: 0x0000.004cdff3 SUBSCN: 1 06/07/2009 18:59:50
> 9. conclusion, the length from redo dump is different from view.
> Thanks at first
> Jacky

This is odd, because your dump file shows you to be using windows - and when I tried to emulate the test on my laptop the session stats showed redo size = 488 bytes.

From the redo record you posted, the 488 is (roughly): Record header:

    12 byte
Change vector 1

    140 bytes redo for table insert
Change vector 2

    132 bytes of undo header transaction table slot acquisition Change vector 3

    80 bytes to clear the undo header transaction table slot Change vector 4

    132 bytes for recording the undo vector for the table change

(I've obviously got a small error somewhere - but without checking a raw dump file I won't be able to spot where.)

It looks as if your version has (for reasons I do not know) only recorded the basic REDO as the redo size. Maybe the anomaly is due to the way (or timing) when you check the redo size.


Jonathan Lewis

Author: Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals

The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ
Received on Sun Jun 07 2009 - 14:10:10 CDT

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