Re: Translate week number to date of the week.

From: ddf <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:51:49 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded.

On Jan 27, 10:58 am, CrazyKarma <> wrote:
> All,
>    Is there a quick way to convert week number ( of the year) to start
> date of that week?

Define 'quick'.

> EX: If I pass week number as 1 then it should return 1/1/2009

That makes sense.

>       if I pass week  number as 7 then it should return 2/8/2009.

Why? Week 7 in 2009 starts with February 12.

> This gets if I know the date
> select trunc(sysdate, 'd') from dual
> but I need something equivalet to that  as
> select FN(7) from dual;

You want that, I expect. How does the following query strike you:

with date_wk as (

        select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

        from dual
        connect by level <= 366

wk_dt as (
        select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
        from date_wk

select min(dt)
from wk_dt
where wk_of_yr = '&&1'

Let's see this in action:

SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 01
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '01'


--------- --
01-JAN-09 01
02-JAN-09 01
03-JAN-09 01
04-JAN-09 01
05-JAN-09 01
06-JAN-09 01
07-JAN-09 01
01-JAN-10 01

8 rows selected.

Reporting the dates having the desired week of the year

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '01'


01-JAN-09 Report the starting date for that week number

Continue on for the next seven weeks

SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 02
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '02'


--------- --
08-JAN-09 02
09-JAN-09 02
10-JAN-09 02
11-JAN-09 02
12-JAN-09 02
13-JAN-09 02
14-JAN-09 02

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '02'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 03
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '03'


--------- --
15-JAN-09 03
16-JAN-09 03
17-JAN-09 03
18-JAN-09 03
19-JAN-09 03
20-JAN-09 03
21-JAN-09 03

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '03'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 04
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '04'


--------- --
22-JAN-09 04
23-JAN-09 04
24-JAN-09 04
25-JAN-09 04
26-JAN-09 04
27-JAN-09 04
28-JAN-09 04

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '04'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 05
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '05'


--------- --
29-JAN-09 05
30-JAN-09 05
31-JAN-09 05
01-FEB-09 05
02-FEB-09 05
03-FEB-09 05
04-FEB-09 05

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '05'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 06
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '06'


--------- --
05-FEB-09 06
06-FEB-09 06
07-FEB-09 06
08-FEB-09 06
09-FEB-09 06
10-FEB-09 06
11-FEB-09 06

7 rows selected.

Notice February 8 occurs in week 6, not week 7.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '06'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 07
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '07'


--------- --
12-FEB-09 07
13-FEB-09 07
14-FEB-09 07
15-FEB-09 07
16-FEB-09 07
17-FEB-09 07
18-FEB-09 07

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '07'


SQL> _at_date_from_wk_of_yr_ex 08
SQL> with date_wk as (
  2  	     select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/
RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt
  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select dt, wk_of_yr
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '08'


--------- --
19-FEB-09 08
20-FEB-09 08
21-FEB-09 08
22-FEB-09 08
23-FEB-09 08
24-FEB-09 08
25-FEB-09 08

7 rows selected.

SQL> with date_wk as (
  2 select to_date('01/01/'||to_char(sysdate, 'RRRR'), 'MM/DD/ RRRR') + rownum - 1 dt

  3  	     from dual
  4  	     connect by level <= 366

  5 ),
  6 wk_dt as (
  7  	     select dt, to_char(dt, 'ww') wk_of_yr
  8  	     from date_wk

  9 )
 10 select min(dt)
 11 from wk_dt
 12 where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
 13 /
old 12: where wk_of_yr = '&&1'
new 12: where wk_of_yr = '08'


19-FEB-09 SQL>
> Thanks a bunch

If you want a function I leave it to you to rewrite this.

David Fitzjarrell Received on Tue Jan 27 2009 - 11:51:49 CST

Original text of this message