From: zamba <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 06:55:14 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

HI EVERYBODY i have this trigger :

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER FORMASGC.TR_CAMB_EST_CHEQUE      after insert or update of cod_status_cheque or delete ON FORMASGC.GCCB_CHEQUE for each row

     ls_new                  varchar2(10);
        ls_old                  varchar2(10);

        if inserting or updating then


-- :new.f_acreditacion,
:new.update_date ,
into lrt_cheques.update_user, lrt_cheques.update_program, lrt_cheques.id_online_collection, lrt_cheques.id_branch, lrt_cheques.cheque_number, lrt_cheques.cheque_amount, ls_new, ls_old, lrt_cheques.create_date, -- lrt_cheques.f_acreditacion, lrt_cheques.update_date, lrt_cheques.validate_date, lrt_cheques.id_online_collection from dual; end if; select NVL(COUNT(*),0) into ll_cant_cierre from GCCB_COLLECTION_NOTICE_BILL where id_online_collection=

            insert into salida_trigger values (ll_cant_cierre);


how is posible that ll_cant_cierre is 0 if i'm doing an after trigger and it suppouse that first i do the insert in the table, and i'm storing id_online_collection that is is referenced to GCCB_COLLECTION_NOTICE_BILL and then fires the trigger...why trigger can't find values in GCCB_COLLECTION_NOTICE_BILL with the value that was stored in GCCB_CHEQUE (wich is referenced to GCCB_COLLECTION_NOTICE_BILL) thanks !!!!!!!! Received on Thu Sep 04 2008 - 08:55:14 CDT

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