Re: oracle forums

From: joel garry <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:54:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 26, 2:16 pm, "Matthias Hoys" <> wrote:
> "Ben" <> wrote in message
> > anyone having issues with ? I guess they did some
> > kind of upgrade over the weekend, now I can't even get the site to
> > load.
> Same problem today.

Yeah, still seeing it. Got this on metalink, refreshing after a try again later message:

ORA-29262: bad URL

  1. begin
  3. lv_sortBy NUMBER;
  4. lv_saveButton BOOLEAN;
  5. lv_srcVal NUMBER;
  6. lv_text varchar2(400);
  7. vSql VARCHAR2(4000);
  8. BEGIN 9:
  9. lv_text := replace(:P_SRCHTXT, '##', ':');
  10. lv_text := utl_url.unescape(lv_text);
  11. lv_srcVal := :P_SOURCE;
  12. :P_SRCHTXT := lv_text;
  13. htp.p('<script>
  14. document.getElementById("F130_P0_SRCH_SOURCE").value='''|| lv_srcVal||''';
  15. document.getElementById("F130_P0_SRCH_TEXT").value='''|| replace(lv_text, '''', '\''')||''';
  16. </script>'); 18:
  17. if (lv_srcVal >4) then
  18. lv_text := '';
  19. end if;
  20. lv_text := ml2_util.urlencode(lv_text); 23:
  21. begin
  22. lv_sortBy := to_number(:sortBy);
  23. exception
  24. when others then
  25. lv_sortBy :=sure_api.c_orderByQueryScore;
  26. end;
  27. BEGIN
  28. IF to_number(:saveButton) = 0 THEN
  29. lv_saveButton := TRUE;
  30. ELSE
  31. lv_saveButton := FALSE;
  32. END IF;
  33. exception
  34. when others then
  35. lv_saveButton := FALSE;
  36. end; 40:
  37. IF UPPER(:ST) = 'SC' THEN
  38. :ST := 'R';
  39. :P_SRCHTXT := null;
  40. :F130_P0_SRCH_TEXT := null;
  41. htp.p('<script>
  42. document.getElementById("F130_P0_SRCH_TEXT").value='''';
  43. </script>');
  44. END IF; 49:
  45. IF ( (upper(:forums) = 'TRUE') and (ml2_priv.hasAccess(ml2_priv.grantCodeForumAccess) = FALSE) ) then
  46. :forums := 'FALSE';
  47. END IF; 53:
  48. kno_main.newPreDoAdvancedQuery(
  49. p_name =>:name
  50. ,p_alltext => REPLACE(:alltext, '$colan',':')
  51. ,p_anytext => REPLACE(:anytext, '$colan',':')
  52. ,p_exctext => REPLACE(:exctext, '$colan',':')
  53. ,p_nontext => REPLACE(:nontext, '$colan',':')
  54. ,p_docId => :docid
  55. ,p_knowledge => :knowledge
  56. ,p_bug => :bug
  57. ,p_forums => :forums
  58. ,p_archive => :archive
  59. ,p_product_id => :product_id
  60. ,p_platform_id => :platform_id
  61. ,p_update => :update
  62. ,p_numHits => NVL(:numHits, 100)
  63. ,p_sortBy => NVL(lv_sortBy,sure_api.c_orderByQueryScore)
  64. ,p_ss => :ss
  65. ,p_st => NVL(:st,'R')
  66. ,p_saveButton => lv_saveButton
  67. ,p_sss => :sss
  68. ,p_type => :type
  69. ,p_callFrom => 'ML'
  70. ,p_filterCrit => :filtcrit
  71. ,p_filterVal => :filtcritval
  72. ); 79:
  73. :name := NULL;
  74. :alltext := NULL;
  75. :anytext:= NULL;
  76. :exctext:= NULL;
  77. :nontext:= NULL;
  78. :docid:= NULL;
  79. :knowledge:= NULL;
  80. :bug:= NULL;
  81. :forums:= NULL;
  82. :archive:= NULL;
  83. :product_id:= NULL;
  84. :platform_id:= NULL;
  85. :update:= NULL;
  86. :numHits:= NULL;
  87. :sortBy := NULL;
  88. :ss:= NULL;
  89. :st:= NULL;
  90. :saveButton := NULL;
  91. :sss:= NULL;
  92. :type:= NULL;
  93. :filtcrit:= NULL;
  94. :filtcritval:= NULL;
  95. END;
  96. end;


-- is bogus.
Please send that PL/SQL standards document.
Received on Tue Aug 26 2008 - 18:54:59 CDT

Original text of this message