Re: query on project

From: Fabio Zanotti <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 23:45:01 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On 21 Mag, 08:13, wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm designin a query. I want to join the invoice to a project. In the
> table invoices are record with no project_id or task_id; however when
> i'm looking in the form i see invoices on a project. I can find the
> invoice in the table but with no relation to the project. Can anybody
> shed some light on this relation??

Hi, have you looked for a third relation table that links Projects and Invoices?
There is no documentation?

I suggest you to see the sessions' queries into cache with a statement like this:
select sesion.sid,
sql_text, program, username
from v$sqltext sqltext, v$session sesion where sesion.sql_hash_value = sqltext.hash_value and sesion.sql_address = sqltext.address and sesion.username is not null
order by sesion.sid, sqltext.piece

otherwise make statement auditing and see the dba_audit_trail view.

Fabio Zanotti Received on Wed May 21 2008 - 01:45:01 CDT

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