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Re: Hello, a question comparing sql server to Oracle

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: 1 May 2006 10:10:02 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Mark wrote:
> Hi, I want to insert into a table and have a primary key being a
> number. It is not important that this number is incremental so is
> allowed to have "holes". I don't want to assign the number in my Java
> code.

Yes in oracle you create a sequence which is "outside" of the table definition. A sequence can be used to populate keys for more than one table but often a sequence is created for each table.

> In Postgres and SQL Server I can set a column to be "autonumber" and
> the database automatically assigns it.

Well actually in SQL Server it is an identity column but close enough.

> Looking in Google it appears
> that this can't be done directly in Oracle. I have also checked and
> cannot find anything in the 10.2 manuals. I understand that I must
> "select sequencename.nextval into 'variablename' from dual" in a
> database trigger, then update :new.primarykeycolumnname with
> 'variablename'. If this is the only way of doing it then this is ok.
> But there is so much written in the newsgroup about pl/sql being slow
> so I don't want to code the trigger in pl/sql if there is a more
> efficient way of doing it.

Triggers do have some overhead.

If you don't want to use a trigger your insert statement can supply the name of the sequence

Insert into mytable_a (column_1, column2) values (sequence_for_tablea.nextval, 'some data');

But if you do it like this every insert in the application will need to be coded in a consistent manner.

If you do it in a trigger then none of the inserts have to code that column.

> Could someone please tell me if everything I have written above is
> correct. And what are my alternatives to improve speed if it is slow. I
> will be using Oracle 10.2 on RH.

Most shops ( well many at least ) are using trigger's. It is overhead but often fairly small.

Do you want to do some benchmarking in your environment? Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 12:10:02 CDT

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