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Re: How to determine database market share?

From: HansF <>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 03:16:46 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 00:14:57 +0100, Paul interested us by writing:

> I am genuinely interested in trying to get past the "market-babble" of
> various vendors and establish *_some_* sort of
> <scientific/reasonable/reliable/realistic/honest> way of determining
> market share of various db's in various markets.

Market Share really means only one thing: A statistic derived from one of more bodies of facts, with sample sets and elements eliminated or added as needed to support the thesis of minimizing the risk involved in selecting from a particular vendor.

To satisfy your requirement, you simply need to define how you [want to] measure risk.

Unfortunately the term Market Share was created by Marketing people and psychologists who are also the ones who do "market babble". So now the trick will be to subvert their definition to get an 'honest' one ...

Here is a proposal. It sounds silly, corny or plain stupid, but it is very serious. And it's an example of how the big management consultancies work.

Step 1: Create a different term

	the one you are trying to define has been overloaded into oblivion.  It
	has been used by the 'management consultancies' whose specialty is
	centered around word-smithing.  

	no matter what you propose as a standard definition of the existing
	term, it will be immediately challenged because of the overloading.
	So change the rules and create your own terminology.  

	as a secondary benefit, if it catches on you will be immortalized.

Step 2: Create a criteria that is meaningful

	remember, the objective is to define something that translates hard
	numbers into a 'risk' measurement.  This will be tough.

	realize that whatever is meaningful to you may be totally meaningless
	to others.  So whatever you decide upon needs a solid meaning in your
	mind, supported with your personal definition.  

	once you do get it, PUBLISH!  You need popular support for it!

Step 3: Defend that criteria

        offer it to a big shop like Gartner. (Get rich while you are at it.)

	all you really need is to get past the popular vote with the criteria
	so that those who might want to use it don't feel they are at risk
	using it.  (IOW, you need appropriate "Ma...")

Hans Forbrich                           
Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting mailto:
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