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Re: petition

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 10:39:17 -0700
Message-ID: <1121881169.483106@yasure>

Mark Townsend wrote:

> As such, the full functionality of Diag and Tuning pack seemed to be
> overkill given this target environment.

Granted. But still you should be taking our money in exchange for the functionality. ;-)

We wouldn't want the ducks to lose their neatly manicured lawns.

> Now either we have the target wrong, in which case some demographics
> about what people are actually doing with SE or SE1 would help, or the
> full functionality of the packs are required for even very simple
> environments, in which case we have the product wrong, or something
> in-between is required, in which case I would love to hear what people
> think should be in the in-between.
> Comments ?

I think your demographics are wrong.

I can't speak to SE1 because my contacts don't consider it. But for those organizations I work with the decision to go SE or EE almost entirely comes down to "Do we need partitioning?"

If they don't need partitioning they buy SE and save money. If they need it they buy EE. RAC customers, by and large, go EE even when they are only building a 2-3 node cluster.

My recommendation, and I know it covers more turf than just the petition, would be as follows:

  1. Rename SE1 to SE
  2. Rename SE to EE
  3. Rename EE to something new to keep Microsoft from playing word games with their comparison of their Enterprise Edition to Oracle's even though it barely has the functionality of SE1.
  4. Don't forget App Server customers
  5. Then make OEM/GRID and the packs separate products that anyone can purchase with any Oracle product but include them in the high-end offering.

I consider the full functionality of the packs essential for any work. Surely one has as much need for ADDM with SE as with EE. Take a look at the Sev 1 TAR I have open. The problem would be have been nearly impossible to diagnose without the Grid Control. In fact until we applied the tool to our benchmarking we didn't even know the issue existed. Ignorance my have been bliss. But a fix is even better.

Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
Received on Wed Jul 20 2005 - 12:39:17 CDT

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