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Re: script or program to deploy plsql code while securing DB passwords

From: <>
Date: 30 Jun 2005 14:10:37 -0700
Message-ID: <>

hpuxrac wrote:

See responses below following:

> Jason, how static are the schema's that this plsql code is going to be
> deployed into?
> If you don't need to be able to "dynamically" have different schema's
> execute different plsql scripts, then there are a couple of ways that I
> can think of doing this.
> Many organizations require some kind of change control group to move
> code around and to deploy it. That way you create a change control
> record, follow procedures, get your change approved, prepare
> scripts/etc, have them reviewed, get the change scheduled, etc.
> If you bypass these kinds of controls (not necessarily recommended)
> then one way would be to put scripts into a directory on the local
> server, have a script that ftp's them to the remote, have a cron job on
> the remote job install the scripts.

Answer: Problem is it's a 24x7 shop with no night time Administration. The current VC design calls for developer driven deployment - all we want to do is log the change in CVS

> Is that what you are talking about?
> Sure that kind of setup is not hard to do at all. Do you have specific
> questions about that kind of approach?

Answer: I understand the cron design, the problem is CVS appears to require that the authenticated user check the code back up to the CVS repository. Also, CVS needs files in the users working CVS project directory. While I'm sure it could be coded where the script is cronned to run as the user (on each request) and pathed to their working directory, it seems kinda messy (too many independent parts). Also there's the issue of error handling and the fear that the schema and CVS repository will fall out of sync resulting in old or bad code getting checked out. The easy design appears to be a real-time script using SSH and Sudo that confirms a good compile/deployment before updating CVS - in real time performed by the user.

Most Ux shops seem to be running SSH and SUDO, and this just appears to be the logical choice here, but I have to fight with the powers that be.

Thanks for the feedback. Received on Thu Jun 30 2005 - 16:10:37 CDT

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