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Re: Beginner help needed in database design

From: Mark A <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 17:37:48 -0700
Message-ID: <>

"DA Morgan" <> wrote in message news:1107131309.11421_at_yasure...
> How about a survey of those here in this group that have been subjected
> to our divergent opinions. Not scientific but I'm willing to ask as I
> rarely refuse to learn new things.
> How many people here have had the experience of using the TPC benchmarks
> as a criterion that they considered in making a decision between
> purchasing an RDBMS from Oracle vs IBM vs Informix vs Sybase vs
> Microsoft?
> If you did how important was it on a scale of 0 (ignored completely) to
> 10 (the most important decision maker). And of all of the decisions of
> which you have been party ... what percentage of them involved any
> usage of a TPC benchmark.
> So there it is ... cards on the table. Let the mayhem begin.
> I vote nearly worthless because even though we knew the numbers we also
> knew they bore no relationship to what we were doing. I score TPC a 2
> and about 5%.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan

  1. I don't think that everyone is aware of the TPC, especially since people like yourself cry absurd and abuse the poster every time the TPC is mentioned.
  2. You don't know anything about the TPC benchmarks, since you have not read the specifications or carefully compared the benchmark results.
  3. If it so irrelevant or benign, why do get so upset when others make reference to the results?
  4. I think that customers can decide for the themselves whether it is useful for determining which database product to use, and in what configuration to use it (SMP or multiple nodes) for their application requirements (OLTP or decision support).
Received on Sun Jan 30 2005 - 18:37:48 CST

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