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Re: Which Oracle certification for an application developer ?

From: Ryan <>
Date: 11 Jan 2005 08:17:29 -0800
Message-ID: <>

certification is useful because employers want to see it. Certified masters is a tough test, but very expensive.

The developer certification track is worthless. If you want, do sql and pl/sql to get the associates. Dont waste your time with forms. So few people are using it, that there are no books on versions later than 6i. So the only way to study for it is to dig into the help. No reason to certify in something noone is using.

DBA certification is useful. Some employers want it. Problem is that oracle requires you to take a $2500, 5 day course to get it. Its perfectly possible to get the cert by just installing oracle and reading the books. Which I think is a ripoff. sybex books plus the online docs, plus installing oracle and testing what you read is all it takes to pass.

BTW, learning DBA skills is VERY useful to a developer. If you can offer to be a solid DBA and a very good developer, you will make more money. Lots of small to mid size projects like people who can do this. Same goes for DBAs learning about development.

Application server cert seems to be gaining usefulness. There are not alot of app server jobs since oracle has a small market share, however, those that exist pay better than straight DBA or developer jobs. Since there are so few people with alot of experience with the application server, the certification helps a little.

Alan wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Can any one let me know which oracle cerification would suit for a
> > ColdFusion application developer? It seems oracle certified
> > Professional is meant for database administrators and not for
> > application developer.
> >
> Certifications are meaningless. Don't bother.
Received on Tue Jan 11 2005 - 10:17:29 CST

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