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Re: More than one RAC instance/database on the same machine ?

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:29:59 -0700
Message-ID: <1099171741.654100@yasure>

Le JeanMimi wrote:

> First, thank you for your answers.
> For us, the point is availability (and not scalability).
> Say we have two databases A and B and two machines.
> We put A and B in RAC configuration :
> - instance A1 and B1 on machine 1
> - instance A2 and B2 on machine 2
> (A1 and A2 for database A, B1 and B2 for database B)
> If the machine 1 crashes, then all the work being done by A1 and B1
> failover to machine 2 (TAF) and everything is very fast ... and
> transparent.
> Does it make sense ?
> Thanks (i'm rather new to this)
> DA Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1099101941.420573_at_yasure>...

>>Le JeanMimi wrote:
>>>Is it possible to run more than one RAC instance on the same machine ?
>>>(to be exact : more than one RAC instance on the same IBM P690 machine
>>>partition - AIX 5.2) ?
>>>(we hope so ;)
>>>For instance :
>>>Machine Partition 1
>>>instance "A1" for the database "A"
>>>instance "B1" for the database "B"
>>>instance "C1" for the database "C"
>>>Machine Partition 2
>>>instance "A2" for the database "A"
>>>instance "B2" for the database "B"
>>>instance "C2" for the database "C"
>>>Same software version for all db.
>>>Btw is it necessary to have separate interconnect sets or can all the
>>>databases share the same interconnect ?
>>>Thanks in advance
>>Possible yes. Reasonable is another question. The point of RAC is
>>high availability and scalability. Two instances on the same machine
>>gives you neither. In fact it decreases both. So what is it that you
>>are trying to accomplish?
>>I believe you would need separate interconnects but I've never tried
>>it as it just seems totally counter-productive.

Makes no sense to me. Put one database on A, one on B and build two schemas. Now you have half as many things to go wrong. What do you think you accomplish with 2 System tablespaces, 2 UNDO tablespaces, 2 SGAs? I mean accomplish as in desirable?

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Received on Sat Oct 30 2004 - 16:29:59 CDT

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