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Re: standby database not in synchronize with production database

From: yls177 <>
Date: 28 Mar 2004 20:47:17 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Sybrand Bakker <> wrote in message news:<>...
> On 20 Mar 2004 18:26:16 -0800, (yls177) wrote:
> > (yls177) wrote in message news:<>...
> >> (yls177) wrote in message news:<>...
> >> > in my oracle dr, trace file, i have the below entries repeating many times
> >> > Sat Feb 7 04:01:54 2004
> >> > RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database
> >> > Sat Feb 7 04:01:58 2004
> >> > RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > and ocassionaly, some of the below entries
> >> > Sat Feb 7 04:05:04 2004
> >> > Fetching gap sequence for thread 1, gap sequence 182161-182223
> >> > Trying FAL server:
> >> > Error fetching gap sequence, no FAL server specified
> >> > Sat Feb 7 04:05:19 2004
> >> >
> >> > therefore, i went to check the usertrace file and get the below explanation
> >> >
> >> > "Encountered disk I/O error 19502"
> >> >
> >> > and apparanetly, in my errpt, it shows the below
> >> > "67581038 0207040504 T H hdisk32 DISK OPERATION ERROR
> >> > F45CFAFB 0130133804 P H hdisk374 OPEN FAILURE "
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > so i guess the culprit is the disk issues.
> >> >
> >> > the arch filesystem is not full in both databases.
> >> >
> >> > what do u think?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> again this happeened
> >>
> >>
> >> ARC0: RFS network connection lost at host 'standby'
> >> ARC0: Error 3113 creating standby archivelog file at host 'standby'
> >>
> >>
> >> is the network problem?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >did a recover managed standby database, but then realised that the
> >archive logs files are not copied yet so i had to copy them after
> >issuing the command
> >
> >Tue Feb 3 12:38:36 2004
> >Fetching gap sequence for thread 1, gap sequence 181300-181300
> >Trying FAL server:
> >Error fetching gap sequence, no FAL server specified
> >Tue Feb 3 12:38:51 2004
> >Failed to request gap sequence. Thread #: 1, gap sequence:
> >181300-181300
> >All FAL server has been attempted.
> >
> >
> >after which, the database did not recover on its own, and all was
> >given was the message above. my thoughts are that after i copy the
> >files over, oracle should start recover but ti just hang there. so i
> >had to cancel the recovery and start with "recover standby database"
> >
> >
> >comments?
> That would be the normal, documented, procedure, wouldn't it?

okay.. thanks for confirming.... Received on Sun Mar 28 2004 - 22:47:17 CST

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