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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Article about supposed "murky" future for Oracle
Ron <> wrote in message news:<>...
> I found an interesting article by Karen Southwick about Oracle's
> supposed "murky" (in her own words) future. Can someone counter her
> arguments.
> Should I select Oracle or should I go with
> (free and in my opinion, extremely reliable), MYSQL, MS
> SQL Server or DB2?
> Thanks!
The article is old, Larry has already relinquished the helm.
It is true Oracle has its fair share of troubles, yet another new release of the database jamed full of features that the competition will have to copy is on the market. Oracle Applications continues to hold its own in its market. I would rather that Justice kill the PeopleSoft bid rather than see Oracle overpay for the acquisition.
All in all the future is always murky. If it does not appear so it is because you have not accounted for the constantly shifting nature of the future. If you must predict the future predict often.
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Thu Mar 25 2004 - 08:44:45 CST