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Re: Using a pipe accross network with export/import

From: Rick Denoire <>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 01:19:12 +0200
Message-ID: <>

"Tanel Poder" <> wrote:

>You could use exp -> pipe -> rsh to second server -> pipe -> imp. That way
>you use rsh to transfer your data between pipes over network and there's no
>need to store results in a file. (you can also use ssh -C option for
>compressing traffic if got enough CPU power).

Do you mean rsh or rcp?

>Or use exp/imp for transporting schema structure only and transfer all data
>over database link. This would be the preferred method for me at least. You
>could even transfer schema structure first, during uptime, provided that it
>doesn't change in mean time (you can check it using last_ddl_time in
>dba_objects). Disable constraints and set indexes unusable.
>And then kick out users from your source database, transfer increased
>sequence values and start using insserts over dblink to transfer data.

I have been advised very differently about the fastest way to transfer the DB; you are just the second one who says that a DB link would be faster than exp/imp. Besides that, the DB-link procedure seems to be more prune to errors than a simple full import. I am not familiar with the additional side operations with constraints, triggers, sequence values, etc. But since you provided a script too, I will try the transfer to a test environment, just to see how it works.

>I have a simple script for generating insert commands over dblink:
>set linesize 300
>set pagesize 0
>set feedback off
>set trimspool on
>spool /tmp/apps_insert.sql
>prompt alter session enable parallel dml;;
>select 'insert /*+ APPEND PARALLEL(' || table_name || ',4) NOLOGGING */ into
> || owner || '.' || table_name
> || ' select * from ' || owner || '.' || table_name || '@dblink;'
>from dba_tables
>where owner in ('AP', 'APPLSYS', 'APPS', 'AR', 'GL', 'JE')
>order by owner;
>spool off
>Parallel hint might not be feasible in your environment, but depending on
>your network, you could run several insert scripts parallelly anyway.
Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 18:19:12 CDT

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