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Re: Looking for an NT script that will remove obsolete RMAN backups

From: Simon Sheppard <simon_at_spam.invalid>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 21:52:52 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On 2 Apr 2003 10:54:24 -0800, (Dave) wrote:

>Hey all,
>   I haven't done much windows scripting before so i'm trying to find
>a script that will do the following.  Just hoping someone out there
>has done it before and will save me a few hours of pulling my hair. :)
>Basically i'm looking for a script that will grab obsolete rman
>backups and remove them.  Its fairly easy and Oracle was nice enough
>to provide a Unix script to do this but alas, have forsaken NT.
>If you can help me out, let me know.  

This works in NT 4 - remove the ECHO in the last section to delete for real.
All lines indented 3 chars (may wrap in newsreader)

   @ECHO off

   IF "%2"==""     GOTO :s_help
   IF "%1"=="/?"   GOTO :s_help
   IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO :s_start
   echo This procedure requires Windows NT.    


   echo DEL_OLDER.cmd days fullpath
   echo For example:

   echo               DEL_OLDER 20 c:\temp\*.*
   echo               DEL_OLDER 365 C:\temp\*.LOG
   echo note: do not specify the Current Directory    GOTO :eof    


::------------------ FIRST PART ---------------
:: Calculate the filedate of the oldest file to keep
:: given the no of days to subtract before today

   SET v_days_older=%1
   SET v_source=%2    

:: Get the date independent of regional settings

      FOR /f "tokens=2-4 skip=1 delims=(-)" %%G IN ('echo.^|date') DO (

         FOR /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%A IN ('date /t') DO (
            SET v_first=%%G
            SET v_second=%%H
            SET v_third=%%I
            SET v_all=%%A
         SET %v_first%=%v_all:~0,2%
         SET %v_second%=%v_all:~3,2%
         SET %v_third%=%v_all:~6,4%

   ECHO Today is: Year: [%yy%] Month: [%mm%] Day: [%dd%]    

::calculate new date

   SET /a v_new_day=%dd%-%v_days_older%    

:: check days are valid for the current month :::::::::::::::
   IF /i %v_new_day% GTR 0 GOTO s_got_date    

:: The new date is not in the current month
:: so calculate the previous month

:: if its January the previous_month must be December...
   IF /i %mm% EQU 1 (

                         SET /a yy=%yy%-1
                         SET mm=12
                         ) ELSE (
                                 SET /a mm=%mm%-1)

:: note that %mm% now contains LAST month
:: and if appropriate %yy% will contain LAST year

:: now add on the appropriate number of days for the month
   CALL :s_%mm%    

:: and go back to see if we have used up the days yet
   GOTO s_check_days    

:: The rest of the batch file is simply calculating
:: the valid number of days for the month given in mm

::30 day months

   SET /a v_new_day=%v_new_day%+30
   GOTO :EOF    
::31 day months

   SET /a v_new_day=%v_new_day%+31
   GOTO :EOF    
::28/29 day month
:: fix for leap year
:: every fourth year is a leap year EXCEPT for century years that
are not divisible by 400.    

:: SET/a only supports integers (not REAL numbers) so we * 10 and

:: then test the last digit to see if it divided evenly
:: e.g. 2001 *10 = 20010
:: 20010/4 =5002{.5}
:: we then test the 4th digit (2=not a leap yr, 0=is a leap yr)

:: (you can expect the above technique to fail with some REAL

:: like 5000{.5}, but luckily this never happens with a leap year)

:: first do a MOD 4

   SET /a v_leap=%yy%*10
   SET /a v_leap=%v_leap%/4
   SET v_leap=%v_leap:~3,1%[]    

   IF /i NOT %v_leap%==0[] GOTO s_feb    

:: then do a MOD 100
::SET /a v_leap=%yy%/10

   SET v_leap=%yy:~2,2%[]    

   IF /i NOT %v_leap%==00[] GOTO s_leapyear    

:: If we get here it must be a century year
:: then do a MOD 400

   SET /a v_leap=%yy%/40
:: next line is good til the year 3999 only
   SET v_leap=%v_leap:~1,1%[]    

   IF /i NOT %v_leap%==0[] GOTO s_feb    

:: leap year = 29 days

   echo It's a leap year in: %yy%
   SET /a v_new_day=%v_new_day%+29
   GOTO :EOF    
:: Normal February = 28 days

   SET /a v_new_day=%v_new_day%+28
   GOTO :EOF    

   SET dd=%v_new_day%    

::ensure the days and months have a leading 0
   IF %mm:~0,1==%mm% SET mm=0%mm%
   IF %dd:~0,1==%dd% SET dd=0%dd%    

   ECHO Files older than: Year: [%yy%] Month: [%mm%] Day: [%dd%]    

::--------------------- SECOND PART -----------
:: List all files in destination older than this date

:: The command to get a list of files newer than given date
:: XCOPY %v_source% /D:%mm%-%dd%-%yy% /L | FIND "\"

:: To get the opposite of the above, compare every file in the DIR
:: with a list of the newer files and delete all those that don't

   FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('XCOPY %v_source% /L ^| FIND "\"') DO CALL :s_match_older "%%G"

   goto :eof    


   FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('XCOPY %v_source% /D:%mm%-%dd%-%yy% /L ^| FIND "\"') DO IF %1=="%%G" (GOTO :eof)

   ECHO DELETE the file %1
:: To use this batch for real, edit the line above
:: i.e. change the [ECHO DELETE the file %1] to [DEL %1] or [MOVE
%1] or whatever


   GOTO :eof    

Simon Sheppard
- Received on Thu Apr 03 2003 - 15:52:52 CST

Original text of this message