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Re: Off Topic : VNC

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:27:04 +1100
Message-ID: <ORPfa.7449$>

"Joe Fischer" <> wrote in message
> You are starting vncserver in rc?


>As what user?

Root, which suits me fine. I can start getting clever about all that when I get the thing behaving the way I want. But since I only ever want to connect to do administrative things, root is fine. And since this isn't a production box, I can live with all the horror dire-stories that are supposed to happen when you log on as root. Root will do for now.

>It sounds
> like you would want to start as the Oracle DBA user if what you want
> to do is administer an Oracle instance.

No, I want to administer the server, not Oracle. I've got a boring old Windows client install and Oracle Net Services for that sort of thing.

> The first question is: what window manager runs by default if
> you use a video monitor hooked up directly to your server box.

Gnome, if you mean what I think you mean.

> As
> an example, mine looks like:
> #!/bin/sh
> #exec gnome-session
> exec startkde
> #exec fvwm95

Perfect. Buried in this nuggett of information is the particular grain of practical truth I was after: 'exec gnome-session'.

However, your xstartup file looks nothing like mine, which runs as follows:

[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 132x45+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & twm &

That last "twm &" has been replaced with "startkde &"... it still starts with twm (though I can then type 'startkde' as a command in a twm terminal, and Lo! KDE starts. I've just tried your 'exec gnome-session', and it STILL launches with twm... but again, I can type that command in a twm terminal, and Gnome in all its glory does indeed start).

So I can start all these window managers manually, once a twm session is established (which I confess I could live with). But what I can't do is start the damn things automatically at the point of establishing the session from the client.

> Every time I've heard a cooling fan "ready for take-off" it
> meant it was about to take off for the grave. Is it really supposed
> to sound like that?

Yup. It's been that way from day 1, and of my 8 PCs is the only one that's an Athlon... and for precisely this reason. Pentiums purr by comparison!! Health-wise, it's fine.

HJR Received on Mon Mar 24 2003 - 21:27:04 CST

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