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Re: Memory management under Oracle 9i

From: Frédéric Houbie <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 16:56:09 +0200
Message-ID: <>

I tried setting it to 1000K for both java_pool and large_pool, but the value in c$sgastat do not change, that's why I'm wondering if I have to reset something somewhere


Niall Litchfield wrote:

> I don't believe that zero is a valid value for the java pool - it wouldn't
> be in 8i.You should check the docs for the minimum allowed value for 9i in
> 8i I think you can get it down to 1meg. I'm not sure about the large pool
> either.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission UK
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> "Frédéric Houbie" <> wrote in message

>>Hi, I have a question, I do not understand how Oracle initialize the
> memory.

>>I have this in my initSID.ora file
>># Cache and I/O
>># Cursors and Library Cache
>># Diagnostics and Statistics
>># Distributed, Replication and Snapshot
>># File Configuration
>># MTS
>># Miscellaneous
>># Network Registration
>># Pools
>># Processes and Sessions
>># Redo Log and Recovery
>># Resource Manager
>># Sort, Hash Joins, Bitmap Indexes
>># System Managed Undo and Rollback Segments
>>but when I check with Toad or doing a select * from v$sgastat, I have a
>>huge amount of memory allocated to Java pool et Large pool
>>fixed_sga 279720
>>db_block_buffers 67108864
>>log_buffer 524288
>>shared pool 1M buffer 1049088
>>shared pool Checkpoint queue 141152
>>shared pool FileIdentificatonBlock 319452
>>shared pool FileOpenBlock 695504
>>shared pool KGK heap 3756
>>shared pool KGLS heap 560724
>>shared pool KGSK scheduler 51916
>>shared pool KGSKI schedule 17848
>>shared pool KSXR pending messages que 225836
>>shared pool KSXR receive buffers 1058000
>>shared pool PL/SQL DIANA 663280
>>shared pool PL/SQL MPCODE 173044
>>shared pool PLS non-lib hp 2068
>>shared pool VIRTUAL CIRCUITS 266120
>>shared pool character set object 281292
>>shared pool dictionary cache 626200
>>shared pool enqueue 171860
>>shared pool errors 38164
>>shared pool event statistics per sess 1366120
>>shared pool fixed allocation callback 60
>>shared pool free memory 116445688
>>shared pool joxlod: in ehe 301380
>>shared pool joxlod: in phe 112988
>>shared pool joxs heap init 4220
>>shared pool ksm_file2sga region 148652
>>shared pool library cache 2791324
>>shared pool message pool freequeue 767192
>>shared pool miscellaneous 2808244
>>shared pool parameters 6836
>>shared pool sessions 395080
>>shared pool sim memory hea 646260
>>shared pool sql area 1869544
>>shared pool table definiti 280
>>shared pool transaction 181624
>>shared pool trigger defini 1876
>>shared pool trigger inform 1488
>>shared pool trigger source 432
>>shared pool type object de 23136
>>large pool free memory 4294801644
>>large pool session heap 165652
>>java pool free memory 112328704
>>java pool memory in use 5111808
>>I don't understand, can anybody explain me, must I reset something ?
Received on Thu Jun 27 2002 - 09:56:09 CDT

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