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Re: Oracle versus MS Sql Server

From: Bob Hairgrove <>
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 02:48:37 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 20:13:27 +0200, "Michael G. Schneider" <> wrote:

>(...BIG SNIP...)<

>Oracle databases are not only sold to big companies. Oracle does not say
>"before we sell this database to you, you will have to do a test and prove
>you are capable of managing this software". This software is sold to anybody
>who wants it to have. And the needs of those customers and their
>capabilities are very different.

I suppose it's a good thing that one cannot simply walk into a store and buy an F-18 or B-52 airplane to "anybody who wants to have it" ...

>I already gave myself as an example. I am an independant software developer.
>It wouldn't be reasonable to have a DBA managing the databases, which I
>create for development purposes. And it also wouldn't be reasonable, if I
>took some weeks of education for becoming a DBA myself.

Let's face it, Oracle is expensive. Nobody spends the kind of money that Oracle licensing requires unless there is a good reason for doing so ... and if that data which needs to be managed justifies the expense, it will justify the cost of a full-time DBA as well.

>My kids go to school. The school has a database, too. I wouldn't swear, it's
>an Oracle database, but I think so. Do you really think, they will employ an
>Oracle DBA or make one of the teachers a DBA?

One of the teachers? I hope not! Employ a DBA? If the school can afford Oracle, they can afford a DBA.

>By creating a nice looking setup program and GUI-based administration tools,
>Oracle gives (at least to me) the impression, that they want to take these
>components seriously. But if I listen to you, I get the impression that for
>serious work you wouldn't use the tools anyway.
>Maybe all true DBAs should unite and convice Oracle that it is better to
>throw all GUI based software out of the window and return to the good old
>command line. Then nobody would buy an Oracle database if he isn't sure that
>he can manage it that way.

A lot of times, the command line is simply the fastest way to get the job done. And time is money. Received on Sat Nov 03 2001 - 20:48:37 CST

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