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Re: What is Oracle thinking

From: Martin Hepworth <>
Date: 2000/03/23
Message-ID: <>#1/1


Yeah I know - getting technet running with Netscape 4.72 is impossible too, not to mention their poor ftp support when you want to download something.

In the meantime why not look at technology to support the business thats database independant. The leading technology for this IMHO is PHP. The new version in beta abosolutely rocks, and blows ASP totally out of the water. You can use whatever database you want behind it, from flat files to mysql (fast and popular, but no transactions) to postgress (very robust and fast) to the big guns like Oracle.

There are quite a few ISPs out there that support php and mysql, and porting the application to Oracle when required shouldn't be a problem.

My 2c


Cyllan wrote:
> Dear Oracle Corp,
> I have a grip to share with Oracle. I'm a small web developer that would
> like to use Oracle as my database backend for a small web business. I'm
> hoping that one day it will grow, but right now I'm small. Also, I want to
> have someone else host the web site. I would think that Oracle databases
> would be everywhere. Well their not.
> I can find Microsoft SQL-Server everywhere at good prices. Now I know
> someone will say Oracle is better than MS-SQL. I agree that is why I would
> like to use them, but the cost of getting an ISP with Oracle is almost 10
> times the cost. Why? Is Oracle that weak in their ISP relationships, that
> they can't give the software away to ISPs.
> I spoke to a company last night that said MS wants them to use MS-SQL/ASP
> that MS gave them an a huge discount. I can't confirm this, but the ISP
> only offers MS-SQL and no Oracle.
> So I figured that Oracle would have a list of ISPs that offered web hosting.
> Then on their front page I see, "It only takes 7 seconds to lose a
> customer." Well at that point I have been trying for 2 hours to find a web
> hosting company. Well I didn't find a web page with web hosting using
> Oracle. But I did find an article of Oracle scalability. I read it. I
> agreed with them. That is when I was hit with an thought.
> What is scalability? Is scalability the means of growing large? No, but
> the means to handle small amounts to huge amounts. Performance wise, Oracle
> scales well. Price wise no scaling. Sure Standard PowerUnit pricing is
> only 10 bucks per PowerUnit. But its hard to sell that to myself, when I
> have no money. My project is sweet equity. I don't have the financial
> resources to use Oracle. And since Oracle doesn't have any web hosting
> deals
> with companies, I'm forces to use MS-SQL. Now I'm stuck using MS-SQL, which
> makes MS happy. Now I will use ASP and Visual Interdev. They keep
> mindshare in my mind. And if I ever have to consult a small business
> wanting to get on the web using a web host, I can only recommend MS
> products. Why? Because Oracle lost a customer in 7 seconds.
> Sincerely,
> John Seitz
  Received on Thu Mar 23 2000 - 00:00:00 CST

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