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Re: string manipulation in procedures

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 2000/02/28
Message-ID: <>#1/1

A copy of this was sent to kev <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 11:01:10 +0000, you wrote:

>I have a procedure which takes in an SQL query and returns an open
>cursor for that query. I need to be able to put some SQL around this
>user-supplied SQL. I think I'm just not getting the syntax right, I
>can't find any examples of this in the manual.
>The procedure I'm trying to create will return the 'nrows' rows from the
>'offset'th row (ofsset and nrows are passed in as per MySQL's LIMIT
>For example, if the SQL query "select * from emp" with an offset of 1
>and an nrows of 10 is passed into the procedure I want it to return an
>open cursor for the query:
>select * from
> select a.*, rownum r from
> (
> select * from emp
> ) a
>) b
>where b.r between :offset and (:offset+:nrows);
>Here's my latest effort:
>create or replace package types
> type cursorType is ref cursor;
>REM Proc: get_cursor
>REM Purpose: Returns an open cursor for the supplied SQL query, with the
>REM result set being limited in range (as per MySQL's LIMIT
>REM command).
>create or replace procedure get_cursor_limit
>(my_sql in varchar2, my_curs out types.cursorType,
>offset in number, rows in number)
>open my_curs for
>select *
>from ( select a.*, rownum r
> from ( my_sql ) a
> ) b
>where b.r between :offset and (:rows+:offset);
>end get_cursor_limit;

You need to dynamically open the ref cursor -- something that is only possible in Oracle8i, release 8.1 and later. Prior that that -- you will not be able to do this with a ref cursor and would have to use DBMS_SQL instead (and could not use an order by in the My_Sql query). In Oracle8i, release 8.1, this would look like:

ops$tkyte_at_8i> create or replace package types   2 as
  3 type cursorType is ref cursor;   4 end;
  5 /
Package created.

ops$tkyte_at_8i> create or replace procedure get_cursor_limit(my_sql in varchar2,

  2                                           my_curs in out types.cursorType,
  3                                               offset  in number,
  4                                               rows    in number)
  5 is
  6 begin
  8          open my_curs for
  9      'select *
 10         from ( select a.*, rownum r
 11                  from ( ' || my_sql || ' ) a
 12              ) b
 13        where b.r between :min_row and :max_row' using offset, (rows+offset);
 15 end get_cursor_limit;
 16 /

Procedure created.

ops$tkyte_at_8i> variable x refcursor
ops$tkyte_at_8i> exec get_cursor_limit( 'select * from all_users order by
username', :x, 100, 15 );

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte_at_8i> print x

USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED            R
------------------------------ ---------- --------- ----------
MSEATON                              3364 24-JUN-99        100
MSJONES                              3366 24-JUN-99        101
MSSMITH                              3367 24-JUN-99        102
NAMES                                 895 24-JUN-99        103
NATO_GAT                              411 24-JUN-99        104
NEWS1                                8656 24-JUN-99        105
NEWS2                                8662 24-JUN-99        106
NEWS3                                8663 24-JUN-99        107
NE_GEHS                              1582 24-JUN-99        108
NLA                                   932 24-JUN-99        109
O8TRAIN                              1496 24-JUN-99        110
OAS_PUBLIC                             40 29-APR-99        111
OCAFE                                4489 24-JUN-99        112
OCITEST                              6560 24-JUN-99        113
OEM                                    35 26-APR-99        114
OGS                                   414 24-JUN-99        115

16 rows selected.


>...and here's the errors I get:
>SQL> show errors
>9/62 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'MY_SQL'
>9/62 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the
> following:
> ( select
>I've tried too many variations on the above code to post them all here,
>but I always get similar errors. How do I make this procedure work?
>- Kev

See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte         
Oracle Service Industries     Reston, VA   USA

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation
Received on Mon Feb 28 2000 - 00:00:00 CST

Original text of this message