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Re: hex 2 dec !

From: <>
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 16:39:35 GMT
Message-ID: <82jd87$g24$>

In article <>, wrote:
> hi all,
> Could anyone tell me where can I find a fuction in PL/SQL that
coverts a
> hexdecimal number to decimal and vice versa. Has anyboby already
> implemented that function?
> 10q

Here is a post that appeared on this board earlier this year. The author is very good so maybe this will help you.

Re: Help! Hex to Dec???
Author: Thomas Kyte <> Date: 1999/02/11

by 'MS' byte ordering do you really mean "i've got twos compliment binary
integer integers"? What is 'MS' byte ordering? (youre not giving them credit
for inventing the storage of 2's compliment are you? its really part of the
chip architecuture).....

anyway, if you are -- here is a set of pl/sql routines that might do the trick... I did it on solaris and i'm pretty sure the byte order on intel platforms is the same (if not, reverse some loops below)....

 create or replace function to_dec
  ( p_str in varchar2,
    p_from_base in number default 16 ) return number     is

        l_num   number default 0;
        l_hex   varchar2(16) default '0123456789ABCDEF';
        for i in 1 .. length(p_str) loop
             l_num := l_num * p_from_base +
        end loop;
        return l_num;

  end to_dec;
Function created.

to_dec takes a number in any base upto 16 and converts it into decimal...

 create or replace function to_base( p_dec in number, p_base in number )  return varchar2

         l_str   varchar2(255) default NULL;
         l_num   number  default p_dec;
         l_hex   varchar2(16) default '0123456789ABCDEF';
         if ( trunc(p_dec) <> p_dec OR p_dec < 0 ) then
                 raise PROGRAM_ERROR;
         end if;
                 l_str := substr( l_hex, mod(l_num,p_base)+1, 1 ) ||
                 l_num := trunc( l_num/p_base );
                 exit when ( l_num = 0 );
         end loop;
         return l_str;

 end to_base;
Function created.

to_base takes a decimal number and converts it into a base...

create or replace function bin_to_dec( l_x in varchar2 ) return number  as

    if (substr(l_x,1,1) in ( '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' ) )     then

       return -1*(to_dec(translate(to_base(to_dec(l_x),2),'10','01'),2) +1);


       return to_dec( l_x );
    end if;

Function created.

bin_to_dec is the function you want. it takes a VARCHAR as input (the hex
representation of the RAW(4) field you have -- just send it the RAW, the database will convert it to hex automagically -- an example is below)...

It returns the decimal representation of that (assuming a 2's compliment number
that is)...

It does this by looking at the first hex character, if the high bit is on (thats
the 8...F check), then its a negative number. If the number is negative we:

o to_dec(l_x) -> tmp1 -> that converts the hex FFFFFFFF into an unsigned number
o to_base( tmp1 ) -> tmp2 -> that converts the decimal unsigned number into
o translate(tmp2,'10','01') -> tmp3 -> that does an XOR for us o to_dec(tmp3,)2) -> tmp4 -> converts the binary into decimal again o tmp4+1 -> tmp5 -> adjusts for the 2's compliment o -1 * tmp5 -> answer -> make it negative...

If the number is not negative, we just return 'to_dec(hexstring)'

Here is an example with example data:

SQL> drop table raw_data;
Table dropped.

SQL> create table raw_data( dec int, bin raw(4) ); Table created.

This table will hold a decimal number and the 4 byte RAW version of that number.
We'll use the dec column to verify our results later..

SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -10000, 'FFFFD8F0' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -9000, 'FFFFDCD8' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -8000, 'FFFFE0C0' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -7000, 'FFFFE4A8' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -6000, 'FFFFE890' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -5000, 'FFFFEC78' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -4000, 'FFFFF060' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -3000, 'FFFFF448' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -2000, 'FFFFF830' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -1000, 'FFFFFC18' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 0, '00000000' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 1000, '000003E8' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 2000, '000007D0' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 3000, '00000BB8' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 4000, '00000FA0' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 5000, '00001388' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 6000, '00001770' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 7000, '00001B58' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 8000, '00001F40' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 9000, '00002328' );

the above are just a sampling of positve and negative numbers...

SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -1, 'FFFFFFFF' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 0, '00000000' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 1, '00000001' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( -2147483648, '80000000' );
SQL> insert into raw_data values ( 2147483647, '7FFFFFFF' );
SQL> commit;

the above are all of the boundary value numbers, ones that would give us a hard

Now we can simply:

SQL> select dec, bin_to_dec( bin ) from raw_data   2 /

            DEC BIN_TO_DEC(BIN)
--------------- ---------------

         -10000          -10000
          -9000           -9000
          -8000           -8000
          -7000           -7000
          -6000           -6000
          -5000           -5000
          -4000           -4000
          -3000           -3000
          -2000           -2000
          -1000           -1000
              0               0
           1000            1000
           2000            2000
           3000            3000
           4000            4000
           5000            5000
           6000            6000
           7000            7000
           8000            8000
           9000            9000
             -1              -1
              0               0
              1               1
    -2147483648     -2147483648
     2147483647      2147483647

25 rows selected.

and see that it works....

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Service Industries
Reston, VA USA

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Before you buy. Received on Tue Dec 07 1999 - 10:39:35 CST

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