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Re: Oracle On AIX : Urgent Help Required

From: Frank van Bortel <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 09:08:57 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Wil \"Spock\" Weterings wrote:

> I heard a rummour there was a problem wirt AIX, Oracle and mirroring and was
> looking for more evidence of this probelem. It looks to me that you have the
> same problem.
> If i know more i will let you know.
> Wil
> Guyver wrote in message <7vt3ou$4ot$>...
> >Pick up the latest version of monitor, of use something like sar -p ALL
> >(check parms!?) to see all CPU perf.
> >
> >janjua <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Hi All
> >>
> >> We have serious problems on an AIX box regarding Oracle Database.
> >>
> >> We have an AIX RS 6000 High Node machine with AIX 4.2.2 4 CPU's ,
> >> 1 GB of Ram and 16 Mirrored hard Drives of 4GB each. Total of 32
> >>
> >> The database is 7.3.2 Oracle database with an SGA of 250 MB.
> >>
> >> We are running an in house developed application. The response is
> >> very
> >> bad. We have 80 users using the machine.
> >>
> >> We have tuned the database to the best of our abilities but the
> >> users are
> >> getting a very bad response.
> >>
> >> The machine and database is never taken down.
> >> After nearly every two Weeks we come to a situation where database
> >> virtually comes to halt and we have to either bounce the database or
> >> reboot
> >> the system.
> >>
> >> We have same application running on a SUN box with lesser BOX specs
> >> and
> >> don't have any problems.
> >>
> >> We have pretty good in house Oracle Expertise.
> >> We don't have much AIX expertise in house.
> >>
> >>
> >> Please if you could think of any thing on the Operating system/
> >> Hardware
> >> side which could be causing this Problem .
> >>
> >> Any thoughts / pointers will be highly appreciated.
> >>
> >> We have a doubt that the AIX is not using all 4 Processes and that may
> >> be
> >> causing this problem.
> >>
> >> Any commands to check if all 4 processes are being used or if there is
> >> a
> >> memory leak.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanking you in advance for emailing the replies
> >>
> >> Bye
> >> Aamer
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

IF this is an S70 and IF you're using async IO in combination with SSA drives, get the latest patches on AIX, migrate to 4.3.2. async io driver has been rewritten.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,

Frank van Bortel
Technical consultant Oracle Received on Fri Nov 12 1999 - 11:08:57 CST

Original text of this message