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perl script for hot backups

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 16:42:28 GMT
Message-ID: <80erlj$10n$>

I'd like to offer the group my perl script for doing hot backups. Its been working well for a month, and is my first attempt at a perl script.
The script calls files which perform the action indicated in the called file name. It should be simple to recreate them; they are not included here. If you're stuck, send me your email address on the back of a twenty dollar bill........

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# This script handles doing a hot backup of the Oracle instance.
# Magic contained within.
# -------------------------------------------------------------

use Time::localtime;
use diagnostics;
use strict;

# -----------------------------------------------------
# Note: required files for this script
# need any unix style grep for NT, in the path, called 'grep'
# need plus33 from oracle client software installation
# -----------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------------------------
# Alter these parameters to suit the site
# These params MUST be adjusted at setup time
# -------------------------------------------

my $ora_userid =        "sys";                                       #
Oracle userid
my $ora_password =      "smr2pass";                                  #
Oracle userid password
my $ora_servicename =   "mp2";                                   #
SQL*NET connect string
my $working_dir =       "e:\\working";                               #
every file here gets erased at the start of every run
my $backup_dir =        "e:\\backup\\full_backup";                   #
where we are backing everything up to
my $init_ora_file =     "d:\\orant\\admin\\smr2\\pfile\\initsmr2.ora";

# where is the fucking init.ora?
my $user_dump_dest_dir= "d:\\orant\\admin\\smr2\\udump"; #
value lives in init.ora
# note: due to Oracle on NT bug #381394, you must
# use log_archive_format = ARC%s.%T in your init.ora
my $archive_log_dir = "d:\\ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST_DIR";
# value lives in init.ora, where we copy the archive logs from
my $oracle_script_dir = "d:\\orant\\admin\\smr2\\scripts\\hot_backup";
# the dir where the oracle scripts live, need to make that directory the
current dir
my $archive_log_dest_dir="e:\\backup\\archive_logs";
my $keepdays            = 10;                                        #
how many days do we keep archived log files around?

# ---------------------------------------
# build some filenames we will need
# no adjustment needed here at setup time
# ---------------------------------------
my $sqlplus = "plus33 -s
$ora_userid/$ora_password\@$ora_servicename" ;

my $log_fn =            "$working_dir\\logfile.log";
my $tracefile_location_fn = "$working_dir\\tracefile_location.txt" ;
my $cf_sql_fn =         "$backup_dir\\controlfile.sql";
my $cf_binary_fn =      "$backup_dir\\controlfile.bin";
my $redologfiles_fn =   "$working_dir\\redologfiles.txt" ;
my $datafiles_fn =      "$working_dir\\datafiles.txt" ;
my $controlfiles_fn =   "$working_dir\\controlfiles.txt" ;
my $tablespaces_fn =    "$working_dir\\tablespaces.txt" ;
my $test_mode =         0;    #set to nonzero for testing.

# -----------------------------------------------------
# first, we need to make the directory where the oracle
# scripts live the current directory so we dont have to
# explicitly path to them when we invoke them later on.
# -----------------------------------------------------
if (!chdir($oracle_script_dir))

   {die "Cannot make '$oracle_script_dir' the working dir.\n please check setup. $!" ; }

# --------------------------------------------
# erase the files from the working dir
# from the last run
# --------------------------------------------

# --------------------------------------------
# tag the start of the error log with the time
# --------------------------------------------
my $current_time = "current time = " . ctime(); system("echo $current_time >> $log_fn") ;

# ---------------------------------------------------
# create the files which define what files need to be
# backed up
# ---------------------------------------------------
&create_datafiles() ;

# -------------------------------------
# we have to backup the:
# control files
# init.ora file
# log files
# archive log files
# all datafiles in each tablespace.
# -------------------------------------



sub backup_tablespace_datafiles()

   print "Backing up tablespaces: \n" ;

   # make an array containing our tablespace names    open(TSFILE, $tablespaces_fn)

      or errorhandle("Error opening $tablespaces_fn. $!\n") ;

   my @tablespaces = <TSFILE>;
   foreach my $tablespace (@tablespaces)    {

      $tablespace =~ s/^\s+//;	#get rid of control chars
      $tablespace =~ s/\s+$//;	#get rid of spaces
      print "  $tablespace\n" ;

      # ------------------------------------------
      # need to put the tablespace in backup mode.
      # ------------------------------------------
      my $cmd = "$sqlplus \@begin_backup.sql $tablespace >> $log_fn" ;
      if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error begin
backup. $cmd"); }
      else { print "  cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

      # ----------------------------
      # go get the list of datafiles
      # ----------------------------
      my $tsdatafile_fn = "$working_dir\\$tablespace.datafile" ;

      open(TSDATAFILE, $tsdatafile_fn)
         or errorhandle("Error opening $tsdatafile_fn. $!\n") ;

      my @tsdatafiles = <TSDATAFILE> ;
      foreach my $tsdata_fn (@tsdatafiles)
         $tsdata_fn =~ s/^\s+//;	#get rid of control chars
         $tsdata_fn =~ s/\s+$//;	#get rid of spaces
         my $cmd = "copy /v $tsdata_fn $backup_dir" ;
         if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error copying
init.ora file. $cmd ");}
         else { print "  cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

      # ---------------------------------------
      # put the tablespace back in regular mode
      # ---------------------------------------
      $cmd = "$sqlplus \@end_backup.sql $tablespace >> $log_fn" ;
      if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error begin
backup. $cmd"); }
      else { print "  cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

sub backup_initora()

   print "Backing up init.ora file\n" ;    my $cmd = "copy /v $init_ora_file $backup_dir" ;    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error copying init.ora file. $cmd ");}

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

sub backup_archive_log_files()

   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # erase all files in $archive_log_dest dir that are over
   # are over $KEEP_DAYS old.
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # read file names into array @filenames, exclude . & ..    opendir(ARCHDIR,"$archive_log_dir")

      or errorhandle("unable to open $archive_log_dir for reading. $!\n");

   my @filenames = grep (!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (ARCHDIR));    closedir ARCHDIR;

   # ---------------------------------------------
   # check modification dates against $time_limit.
   # ---------------------------------------------
   my $file;
   foreach $file (@filenames)          # work through the array of names
      if (-M "$archive_log_dir/$file" > $keepdays)
         print "need to delete $archive_log_dir/$file\n";
         unlink "$archive_log_dir/$file"
            or errorhandle("error deleting $archive_log_dir/$file,
$!\n") ;

   # --------------------

   # switch the log twice
   # --------------------

   print "Alter system switch logfile\n";    my $cmd = "$sqlplus \@switch_logfile.sql >> $log_fn" ;    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error switching log $cmd "); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # Copy all files in $archive_log_dir to archive_log_dest_dir
   # Verify all files have copied correctly
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # read file names into array @filenames, exclude . & ..
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
      or error_handler("unable to open $archive_log_dir for reading.

   @filenames = grep (!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (EXPDIR));    closedir EXPDIR;

   # ---------------------------------------------
   # check modification dates against $time_limit.
   # ---------------------------------------------
   print "Moving archive log files:\n" ;
   foreach $file (@filenames)          # work through the array of names
      # -----------------------------------------------------
      # windoze likes to show a zero filesize for
      # files that are not closed.
      # If we run across one, that is most likely because the
      # archiver is moving a redo log file to arch directory.
      # loop until he is done
      # -----------------------------------------------------
      my $archfilename = "$archive_log_dir\\$file";
      while (!-s $archfilename)
         print "Encountered an open file $archfilename, waiting 1
         sleep 1;

      # ------------------------------------
      # copy the file to the destination dir
      # ------------------------------------
      print "  $archfilename copied to $archive_log_dest_dir" ;
      my $cmd = "copy /v $archfilename $archive_log_dest_dir" ;
      if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error copying
init.ora file. $cmd ");}
      else { print "  cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

      # ---------------------------------
      # third, did it make it there there
      # ---------------------------------
      my $archdestfn = "$archive_log_dest_dir\\$file" ;
      if ((! -e $archdestfn) && (!$test_mode))
         error_handle("$archdestfn does not exist.") ;

      # ---------------------------
      # lastly, delete the original
      # ---------------------------
      print "    and deleted from archive_log_dir\n" ;
      if (!$test_mode)
            or errorhandler("Error deleting $archfilename. $!\n");


sub backup_redo_log_files()

   # the log file locations live in the file $working_dir . "logfiles.txt"

   # we will open that file and for each line, copy the file to the    # backup dir.

   print "Backing up Redo Log Files\n";

   open(LOGFILES, $redologfiles_fn)

      or errorhandle ("could not open $redologfiles_fn") ;

   while (<LOGFILES>)

   	my $logfile = $_ ;
      $logfile =~ s/^\s+//;	#get rid of control chars
      $logfile =~ s/\s+$//;	#get rid of spaces
   	print "  $logfile \n";
   	my $cmd = "copy /v $logfile $backup_dir" ;
   	if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle ("Error copying
log file $logfile. $cmd "); }


sub backup_controlfiles ()

   # This is a two step process.
   #  1) have oracle make a text control file in the backup dir
   #  2) backup the binary control file to the backup dir.

   # ----------------------------------------------
   # get oracle to backup our control file to trace
   # ----------------------------------------------
   print "Backing up text control file to trace\n";    my $cmd = "$sqlplus \@cf_to_trace.sql >> $log_fn" ;    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("SEE ERROR LOG $cmd "); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # lets make sure that the $user dump dest directory exists first
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   if (!-e $user_dump_dest_dir)

      errorhandle("Please verify setting of user_dump_dest_dir in setup section of this script\n") ;


   # -------------------------------------------------------------
   # since Oracle puts the file it just created in USER_DUMP_DEST,
   # we have to go find it and move it to the backup area by hand.
   # use grep to put the name of our trace file into a holder file
   # -------------------------------------------------------------
   $cmd = "grep -l \"CREATE CONTROLFILE\" $user_dump_dest_dir\\*.trc > $tracefile_location_fn";

   if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle( "Did trace file get created? $cmd $!"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if (! -e $tracefile_location_fn)

      error_handler("tracefile_location_fn $tracefile_location_fn does not exist.") ;


   # -----------------------------------------------------------
   # now read that holder file to get the name of our trace file
   # -----------------------------------------------------------
   open(FILE, $tracefile_location_fn)
      or error_handler("tracefile_location_fn $tracefile_location_fn
does not exist.") ;
   my $tracefile = <FILE>;
   $tracefile =~ s/^\s+//;	#get rid of control chars
   $tracefile =~ s/\s+$//;	#get rid of spaces
   print " tracefile = $tracefile\n";
   # ---------------------------------------------------
   # perform the copy of our tracefile to the backup_dir
   # ---------------------------------------------------
   print "Copying text control file $tracefile to backup dir\n" ;    $cmd = "copy /V $tracefile $cf_sql_fn";    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error copying the text controlfile $cmd"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $cf_sql_fn))    {

      errorhandle("text controlfile $cf_sql_fn does not exist.") ;    }

   # ------------------------------------------
   # delete the trace file file we just created
   # ------------------------------------------
   if (!$test_mode)
         or errorhandle("Error unlinking $tracefile. $!\n") ;


   # Oracle will refuse to overwrite the binary control file    # if it already exists, so we have to delete it first should it exist.


   if (-e $cf_binary_fn)

      print("  deleting existing binary control file first\n");
         or errormessage("Error unlinking binary control file
$cf_binary_fn $!\n") ;


   # -----------------------------------------
   # now we can backup the binary control file
   # -----------------------------------------
   print "Backing up binary control file to $backup_dir\n";    $cmd = "$sqlplus \@cf_to_location.sql $cf_binary_fn >> $log_fn";    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error backing up control file $cmd"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $cf_binary_fn))    {

      errorhandle("text controlfile $cf_binary_fn does not exist.") ;    }

sub create_datafiles()

   # ----------------------------------------------------
   # create a file containing a list of Oracle data files
   # ----------------------------------------------------
   print "Getting list of datafiles from Oracle\n";    my $cmd = "$sqlplus \@gen_datafiles.sql $datafiles_fn >> $log_fn";    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error getting datafile list. $cmd $!"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $datafiles_fn))    {

      errorhandle("$datafiles_fn not found $cmd $!") ;    }

   # ------------------------------------------------
   # create a file containing a list of control files
   # ------------------------------------------------
   print "Getting list of control files from Oracle\n";    $cmd = "$sqlplus \@gen_controlfiles.sql $controlfiles_fn >> $log_fn" ;

   if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error getting controlfile list. $cmd $!"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $controlfiles_fn))    {

      errorhandle("$controlfiles_fn not found $cmd $!") ;    }

   # ------------------------------------------------
   # create a file containing a list of redo log files
   # ------------------------------------------------
   print "Getting redo log files from Oracle\n";    $cmd = "$sqlplus \@gen_logfiles.sql $redologfiles_fn >> $log_fn" ;    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error getting redologfiles list. $cmd $!"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $redologfiles_fn))    {

      errorhandle("$redologfiles_fn not found $cmd $!") ;    }

   # ----------------------------------------------
   # create a file containing a list of tablespaces
   # ----------------------------------------------
   print "Getting tablespaces from Oracle\n";    $cmd = "$sqlplus \@gen_tbs.sql $tablespaces_fn >> $log_fn";    if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error getting tablespaces list. $cmd $!"); }

   else { print " cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
   if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $tablespaces_fn))    {

      errorhandle("$tablespaces_fn not found $cmd $!") ;    }

   # ------------------------------------------------------------
   # work throught the tablespace datafile and
   # get the datafiles associated with each one into its own file
   # ------------------------------------------------------------
   if (!$test_mode)
      open(TABLESPACES, $tablespaces_fn) or
      	errorhandle("could not open $tablespaces_fn") ;

      while (<TABLESPACES>)
         my $tablespace = $_ ;
         $tablespace =~ s/^\s+//;	#get rid of control chars
         $tablespace =~ s/\s+$//;	#get rid of spaces
      	print "Getting datafiles for tablespace $tablespace from
      	my $tablespace_datafiles_fn =
"$working_dir\\$tablespace.datafile" ;
      	# This stored proc takes two parameters
      	#     1) the tablespace name which we need a listing of
   	   #     2) the filename of the file which will hold the above
      	$cmd = "$sqlplus \@gen_tbs_files.sql $tablespace
$tablespace_datafiles_fn >> $log_fn" ;
         if (!$test_mode) { system($cmd) && errorhandle("Error getting
datafile list for TS $tablespace. $cmd $!"); }
         else { print "  cmd = '$cmd'\n";}
         if ((!$test_mode) && (! -e $tablespace_datafiles_fn))
            errorhandle("$tablespace_datafiles_fn not found. $cmd $!") ;


sub clear_working_directory()

   print "Deleting files from working directory $working_dir:\n" ;

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # erase the files in the working directory from the previous run
   # NOTE: I cant get a variable to expand inside the glob so
   # it is hard coded for the moment.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------

   opendir(ARCHDIR, "$working_dir")  ;
      #or errorhandle("unable to open $working_dir for reading. $!\n");
   my @filenames = grep (!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (ARCHDIR));    closedir ARCHDIR;
   # ----------------

   # delete the files
   # ----------------

   my $file;
   my $name;
   foreach $file (@filenames) # work through the array of names    {
      $name = "$working_dir\\$file";
      print "  $name\n" ;
      if (!$test_mode)
         if (-e $name)
            errorhandle("Error unlinking $name, $!") ;


sub errorhandle()

   # need to see if we can come up with something more    # intelligent to do here, like notify someone via email.    die "\n$_[0]\n" ;

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Before you buy. Received on Thu Nov 11 1999 - 10:42:28 CST

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