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Re: Who called me?

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 14:33:42 GMT
Message-ID: <>

A copy of this was sent to Ole C Meldahl <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Tue, 22 Jun 1999 11:45:35 +0200, you wrote:

>I agree, still messy but better! Not getting the parameterlist can be
>acceptable(due to overloading), but distinguishing comments from the rest is
>slightly more difficult.
>What about the object handle, from the stack:
> object line object
> handle number name
>c7f526a0 6 procedure SPORT.WHO_CALLED_ME
>c81080b8 1 anonymous block
>c81080b8 1 anonymous block
>Can I do a search somewhere to match this to something real?

Here is one solution perhaps.

I can tell you who you are (who_am_i)
I can tell you who called you (who_called_me) I can tell you with a modified routine, who called THEM (who_called_who_called_me)

As long as who call - who called me was a procedure, function or package (not an anonymous block) i can easily get the line of code that actually called my caller (confused -- we should be). Anyway, After installing who_called_who_called_me, we can code something like:

SQL> create or replace package demo_pkg   2 as
  3 procedure proc_a( x int );
  4 procedure proc_a( x date );
  5 procedure proc_a( x varchar2 );   6 end;
  7 /

Package created.

SQL> create or replace procedure proc_b
  2  as
  3      l_owner        varchar2(30);
  4      l_name        varchar2(30);
  5      l_lineno    number;
  6      l_caller_t    varchar2(30);
  7  begin
  8      who_called_me( l_owner, l_name, l_lineno, l_caller_t );
  9      dbms_output.put_line( 'I was called by "' || l_caller_t || '" "'
 10                            || l_owner || '.' ||
 11                            l_name || '"-' || l_lineno );
 12      who_called_who_called_me( l_owner, l_name, l_lineno, l_caller_t );
 13      dbms_output.put_line( 'they were called by "' || l_caller_t || '" "'
 14                            || l_owner || '.' ||
 15                            l_name || '"-' || l_lineno );
 16      for x in ( select text from dba_source
 17                 where type = l_caller_t
 18                 and owner = l_owner
 19                 and name = l_name
 20                 and line = l_lineno )
 21      loop
 22          dbms_output.put_line( x.text );
 23      end loop;
 24      dbms_output.put_line( '--------------' );
 25 end;
 26 /

Procedure created.

SQL> show errors
No errors.

SQL> create or replace package body demo_pkg
  2 as
  3 procedure proc_a( x int )
  4 is
  5 begin
  6 proc_b;
  7 end;
  8 procedure proc_a( x date )
  9 is
 10 begin
 11 proc_b;
 12 end;
 13 procedure proc_a( x varchar2 )
 14 is
 15 begin
 16 proc_b;
 17 end;
 18 end;
 19 /

Package body created.

SQL> create or replace procedure proc_c   2 as
  3 begin

  4      demo_pkg.proc_a(1);
  5      demo_pkg.proc_a(sysdate);
  6      demo_pkg.proc_a('a');
  7      demo_pkg.proc_a
  8      ( 1 );
  9      demo_pkg.
 10      proc_a
 11      ( 1 );

 12 end;
 13 /

Procedure created.

So, proc_c calls proc_a. proc_a calls proc_b. Proc_B will try to tell us who called him and print out the line of code that called him (this can be useful for overloaded procedures!!)


SQL> exec proc_c;
I was called by "PACKAGE BODY" "TKYTE.DEMO_PKG"-6 they were called by "PROCEDURE" "TKYTE.PROC_C"-4 demo_pkg.proc_a(1);

I was called by "PACKAGE BODY" "TKYTE.DEMO_PKG"-11 they were called by "PROCEDURE" "TKYTE.PROC_C"-5 demo_pkg.proc_a(sysdate);

I was called by "PACKAGE BODY" "TKYTE.DEMO_PKG"-16 they were called by "PROCEDURE" "TKYTE.PROC_C"-6 demo_pkg.proc_a('a');

I was called by "PACKAGE BODY" "TKYTE.DEMO_PKG"-6 they were called by "PROCEDURE" "TKYTE.PROC_C"-7 demo_pkg.proc_a

I was called by "PACKAGE BODY" "TKYTE.DEMO_PKG"-6 they were called by "PROCEDURE" "TKYTE.PROC_C"-9 demo_pkg.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

So, the first 3 calls are really nice -- we can see the inputs and everything. the 4'th call is a little obscure, we cannot tell which overloaded variant called us and the 5'th shows that if you break the packge and procedure across lines this falls apart.

Hope this helps...

create or replace procedure who_called_who_called_me

                       ( owner      out varchar2,
                         name       out varchar2,
                         lineno     out number,
                         caller_t   out varchar2 )

    call_stack varchar2(4096) default dbms_utility.format_call_stack;     n number;
    found_stack BOOLEAN default FALSE;

    line        varchar2(255);
    cnt         number := 0;



        n := instr( call_stack, chr(10) );
        exit when ( cnt = 4 or n is NULL or n = 0 );
        line := substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 );
        call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 );
        if ( NOT found_stack ) then
            if ( line like '%handle%number%name%' ) then
                found_stack := TRUE;
            end if;
            cnt := cnt + 1;
            -- cnt = 1 is ME
            -- cnt = 2 is MY Caller
            -- cnt = 3 is Their Caller
            -- cnt = 4 is Their Caller's Caller
            if ( cnt = 4 ) then
                lineno := to_number(substr( line, 13, 6 ));
                line   := substr( line, 21 );
                if ( line like 'pr%' ) then
                    n := length( 'procedure ' );
                elsif ( line like 'fun%' ) then
                    n := length( 'function ' );
                elsif ( line like 'package body%' ) then
                    n := length( 'package body ' );
                elsif ( line like 'pack%' ) then
                    n := length( 'package ' );
                    n := length( 'anonymous block ' );
                end if;
                caller_t := ltrim(rtrim(upper(substr( line, 1, n-1 ))));
                line := substr( line, n );
                n := instr( line, '.' );
                owner := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, 1, n-1 )));
                name  := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, n+1 )));
            end if;
        end if;

    end loop;

>ole c
>Jonathan Lewis wrote:
>> Good point - I'd forgotten that.
>> How about getting the list of function and procedure
>> names for the PACKAGE from all_source, and then
>> checking whether then function/procedure found
>> was in that list ?
>> Still a bit messy, because of overloading, etc.
>> --
>> Jonathan Lewis
>> Yet another Oracle-related web site:
>> Ole C Meldahl wrote in message <>...
>> >Thanks for the input! For my purposes the body will always be visible(I
>> want
>> >to add debug-information). Searching upwards for FUNCTION/PROCEDURE will be
>> >correct in most cases, but functions within functions exists, same with
>> >PROCEDURE in strings. I would prefer to avoid complete parsing.

See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'... Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st  

Thomas Kyte         
Oracle Service Industries     Reston, VA   USA

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Tue Jun 22 1999 - 09:33:42 CDT

Original text of this message