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Re: Line length limitations in PL/SQL

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 1998/10/15
Message-ID: <362c57af.26931505@>

A copy of this was sent to Tansel Ozkan <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Thu, 15 Oct 1998 12:39:40 -0400, you wrote:

>Christopher Beck wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 17:16:48 -0400, Tansel Ozkan <>
>> wrote:
>> >Hello,
>> >
>> >I have to write a PL/SQL program that will output 1300 bytes
>> >per record. I have come to learn that DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE has
>> >a limitation of 255 bytes. Then I have looked into UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE
>> >and found out that it has a limitation of 1023 bytes per line.
>> You could write your own wrapper around either dbms_output.put_line
>> or utl_file.put_line to chuck up you output into 255 byte size pieces.
>Thanks for your input.
>But I need 1300 bytes PER LINE. If I am not mistaken, when I use your
>wrapper, each record will be in more than one lines. This is not what I
>want. I tried using dbms_output.put instead of dbms_output.put_line
>function in your wrapper to make it work, but still got the same
>error message. 'Line longer than 255'
>> eg.
>> procedure my_put_line( p_string varchar2 ) is
>> l_string varchar2(32767);
>> begin
>> l_string := p_string;
>> loop
>> exit when l_string is null;
>> dbms_output.put_line( substr( l_string, 1, 255 ) );
> ^^^^^^^^^
> This will output 255 bytes per line..
>> l_string := substr( l_string, 256 );
>> end loop;
>> dbms_output.put_line( chr(13) ); --new line between records
>> end my_put_line;
>> >
>> >What is the solution? Is UTL_FILE.PUTF a solution since there is
>> >no mention of a limitation for it? If that doesn't work I am planning
>> >to store the record in a database table and do a select from SQLPlus
>> >where the only limitation is the varchar2 column length, which is 2000.
>> Note: If your program fails and rolls back then you will also roll
>> back all your debug too. :-(

Here is a way to do this with PL/SQL in sql*plus that lets you have upto 2000 character lines and won't lose data in a rollback.

In order to do this, you need to create a table as such (we only ever need one of these tables per database, consider it similar to DUAL)

create table dummy ( x int primary );
insert into dummy select rownum from all_objects;

so dummy is a table with rows (approx) 1 .. 1,000 or so. You can add more if you want. The important thing is that is has records 1, 2, 3, 4, .... N (all integers, no gaps)

Once you have that, you need to make your pl/sql table callable from SQL. We need a function "getcol" for example that if you say "getcol(5)" it would return the 5'th element from your pl/sql table. We also need a function, say getmax, that tells us how many elements are in the table currently. Lastly, we need a function "put_line" to add data to this pl/sql table So a package spec might look like:

create or replace package my_dbms_output as

    pragma restrict_references(my_dbms_output, wnds, wnps, rnps);

    type array is table of varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer;

    procedure put_line( p_str in varchar2 );

    function getcol( x in number ) return varchar2;     pragma restrict_references(getcol,wnds,wnps);

    function getmax return number;
    pragma restrict_references(getmax,wnds,wnps);

    TOO_MUCH_DATA exception;

Now, we can create a view like this:

create or replace view
select my_dbms_output.getcol(x) theColumn   from dummy
 where x <= ( select my_dbms_output.getmax from dual ) /

So, this view will select our function on column X for all X's <= the number of elements in our table. that is, we will get rows 1, 2, 3 ... N-Elements in the Table.

Then we implement our package body as such:

create or replace package body my_dbms_output as

g_theArray  array;
g_theCnt    number default 0;
g_maxCnt    number;

function getcol( x in number ) return varchar2 is

    return g_theArray(x);

function getmax return number

    return g_theCnt;

procedure put_line( p_str in varchar2 )

    if ( g_theCnt = g_maxCnt )

        raise TOO_MUCH_DATA;
    end if;
    g_theCnt := g_theCnt + 1;
    g_theArray( g_theCnt ) := p_str;


    select max(x) into g_maxCnt from dummy; end my_dbms_output;

Now we can:


    for i in 1 .. 10 loop

        my_dbms_output.put_line( rpad( '*', 1300, '*' ) || 'Hello ' || i );     end loop;

set heading off
set feedback off
set linesize 2000
set trimspool on
set termout off
spool test.dat

select * from my_dbms_output_view
spool off
set termout on
set heading on

and be done with it...

>> >
>> >Also, what is the maximum number of bytes you can output from PL/SQL?
>> >I know you can set it with eg. 'set serveroutput on size 100000' but
>> >I don't really know the maximum value for this parameter? (Oracle7.3)
>> >
>> The default buffer size is 20000 bytes. The minimum is 2000 and the
>> maximum is 1,000,000.
>> >Thanks..
>> >
>> >Tansel
>> hope this helps.
>> chris.

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Herndon VA

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