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Re: Oracle v6 Datafile Corrupted - HELP !!!

From: Steven Toth <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 21:36:56 +0100
Message-ID: <>


(Everyone, please accept our apologies to anyone who has already read this in a prior posting for Oracle 7.2)

I help run a company which specialises in this type of recovery (, salvaging data, re-constructing system datafiles, controlfile manipulation etc. We can extract any data you want from broken or unrecoverable datafiles.

I'm more than certain we can patch the db and force it open, you'd be able to export the appropriate data (presuming the recovered datafiles are in reasonable shape). This type of problem is not unusual - we'll get it up and running fairly quickly.

If you're at a dead end, we'd like to help - drop us a line.

Steven Toth

Chris Hamilton wrote in message <6nbj1o$eec$>...
>I have a new client that has called me in for some help, and I'm not
>how to proceed. The scenario I've inherited:
>-- Oracle 6.0.34
>-- VMS 5.5
>-- 8-GB database
>-- 11 files
>-- 2 tablespaces (SYSTEM / USER_SPACE)
>-- data / indexes / temp / rollback randomly mixed throughout both
>They had a database crash last week - they're not sure exactly what
>happened, and they have no DBA. When they tried to restart they get
>an "ORA-01122: datafile <filename> failed verification check." This
>is when they called me.
>I was able to do a STARTUP MOUNT, followed by an ALTER DATAFILE
><filename> OFFLINE (works in v6, not in v7 under noarchivelog). Then
>I was able to ALTER DATABASE OPEN. I tried at various points RECOVER
>DATABASE and RECOVER DATAFILE, but they started prompting me for
>archive files that of course don't exist. Now it says "media recovery
>not necessary" or something to that effect.
>The admin guy at the client restored the file from a backup (a few
>weeks ago) but the same verification check failure (ORA-01122) occurs.
>I've called Oracle support, and they were helpful but not real
>confident that they can get things working under v6 and noarchivelog.
>Anyway, I can query the database, but of course not any tables that
>have extents in the affected datafile. Unfortunately, their last cold
>backup was a few weeks ago (deadlines caused them to not be able to
>shutdown for backups - always happens that way, eh?). And, I'm not
>100% confident that the backup is any good - the first restore should
>have worked - the database worked fine at the point that backup was
>taken, but now it still seems corrupted.
>So my plan now is to export anything I can from the database to
>salvage at least the non-affected tables. Then restore the entire
>cold backup, and see what happens. If it opens, bingo, and we can at
>least apply those exports to roll forward some data. If not, we
>construct a new db. Apparently a good deal of the data can be
>reloaded from raw files, but must go through lengthy processing, and
>it's an old slow machine, so we'd like to minimize that.
>Any other ideas out there? It's getting kind of urgent! Any help
>much appreciated.
>AVANCO International, Inc.
Received on Wed Jul 01 1998 - 15:36:56 CDT

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