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Re: What row and table are locked

From: John Hough <>
Date: 1997/03/24
Message-ID: <>

Elisa Cotrina wrote:

> Mike Moritz wrote:
> >
> > I am running Oracle Server
> >
> > Can someone help me determine what rows of what tables users are
> > locking?  If I am way off base here, does anyone have some scripts
> > that will provide the desired info.
> >
> > I've figured out how to determine which users have locks but am
> > not able to determine what table and row they are locking.
> >
> > I think the solution lies in the ability to decode the *ADDR
> > fields of v$_lock.  Does one of the *ADDR point to a ROWID?
> > Am I close?
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what these fields point to and how to decode
> > them?
> >
> > SQL> describe v$_lock;
> >  Name             Null?    Type
> >  ---------------- -------- ----
> >  LADDR                     RAW(4)
> >  KADDR                     RAW(4)
> >  SADDR                     RAW(4)
> >  RADDR                     RAW(4)
> >  LMODE                     NUMBER
> >  REQUEST                   NUMBER
> >
> For me the easier way to see what row is locked, who lock and who is
> locked is:
> select oracle_username from v$locked_object where xidusn is not null;
> Return who lock;
> select v$session.username, v$session.row_wait_row#,
> v$sesion.row_wait_file#, v$session.row_wait_block#,
> all_objects.object_name from v$session,
> all_objects where all_objects.object_id = v$session.row_wait_obj#;
> Return who is locked and what object is locked.
> And the rowid of the lock row is:
> row_wait_block#, row_wait_row#, row_wait_file# (you must change the
> format only);
> Hope this help:
>                         Elisa


Here is a script that I picked up somewhere, (IOUG I think) that will tell you who is holding what locks and on what they are being held.

Hope this helps,

John Hough

cosdev$ cat locks.sql
rem $TOOLS/locks.sql
rem Displays locking information for the current ORACLE_SID database rem
set termout off
set heading off
col dbname1 new_value dbname noprint
select name dbname1 from v$database;
set termout on
set heading on
set pagesize 9999
column osuser format a14 heading "-----O/S------|Username Pid" column username format a17 heading "-----ORACLE-----|Username ID Ser" column locktype format a10 heading "Type" column held format a9 heading "Lock Held" column object_name format a15 heading "Object Name" wrap column request format a9 heading " Lock|Requested" column id1 format 999999
column id2 format 9999
ttitle center 'Lock report for the ' &&dbname ' database' skip 2 select rpad(osuser, 9)||lpad(p.spid, 5) osuser,

        rpad(s.username,8)||lpad(s.sid, 4)||lpad(s.serial#, 5) username,

'MR', 'Media Reco',
'RT', 'Redo Thred',
'UN', 'User Name',
'TX', 'Trans',
'TM', 'DML',
'UL', 'PL/SQL Usr',
'DX', 'Dist. Tran',
'CF', 'Cntrl File',
'IS', 'Inst State',
'FS', 'File Set',
'IR', 'Inst Reco',
'ST', 'Disk Space',
'TS', 'Temp Seg',
'IV', 'Cache Inv',
'LS', 'Log Switch',
'RW', 'Row Wait',
'SQ', 'Seq Number',
'TE', 'Extend Tbl',
'TT', 'Temp Table',
l.type) locktype, ' ' object_name, decode(lmode,1,Null,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',' ') held, decode(request,1,Null,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',' ') request from v$lock l, v$session s, v$process p where s.sid = l.sid and s.username <> ' ' and s.paddr = p.addr and l.type <> 'TM' and (l.type <> 'TX' or l.type = 'TX' and l.lmode <> 6)
select rpad(osuser, 9)||lpad(p.spid, 5) osuser,
        rpad(s.username,8)||lpad(s.sid, 4)||lpad(s.serial#, 5) username,

'MR', 'Media Reco',
'RT', 'Redo Thred',
'UN', 'User Name',
'TX', 'Trans',
'TM', 'DML',
'UL', 'PL/SQL Usr',
'DX', 'Dist. Tran',
'CF', 'Cntrl File',
'IS', 'Inst State',
'FS', 'File Set',
'IR', 'Inst Reco',
'ST', 'Disk Space',
'TS', 'Temp Seg',
'IV', 'Cache Inv',
'LS', 'Log Switch',
'RW', 'Row Wait',
'SQ', 'Seq Number',
'TE', 'Extend Tbl',
'TT', 'Temp Table',
l.type) locktype, object_name, decode(lmode,1,NULL,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',NULL) held, decode(request,1,NULL,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',NULL) request from v$lock l, v$session s, v$process p, sys.dba_objects o where s.sid = l.sid and o.object_id = l.id1 and l.type = 'TM' and s.username <> ' ' and s.paddr = p.addr

select rpad(osuser, 9)||lpad(p.spid, 5) osuser,
        rpad(s.username,8)||lpad(s.sid, 4)||lpad(s.serial#, 5) username,

'MR', 'Media Reco',
'RT', 'Redo Thred',
'UN', 'User Name',
'TX', 'Trans',
'TM', 'DML',
'UL', 'PL/SQL Usr',
'DX', 'Dist. Tran',
'CF', 'Cntrl File',
'IS', 'Inst State',
'FS', 'File Set',
'IR', 'Inst Reco',
'ST', 'Disk Space',
'TS', 'Temp Seg',
'IV', 'Cache Inv',
'LS', 'Log Switch',
'RW', 'Row Wait',
'SQ', 'Seq Number',
'TE', 'Extend Tbl',
'TT', 'Temp Table',
l.type) locktype, '(Rollback='||rtrim(||')' object_name, decode(lmode,1,NULL,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',NULL) held, decode(request,1,NULL,2,'Row Share',3,'Row Excl',4,'Share', 5,'Sh Row Ex',6,'Exclusive',NULL) request from v$lock l, v$session s, v$process p, v$rollname r where s.sid = l.sid and l.type = 'TX' and l.lmode = 6 and trunc(l.id1/65536) = r.usn and s.username <> ' ' and s.paddr = p.addr order by 5, 6;

cosdev$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 24 09:31:02 1997

Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights reserved.

Enter user-name:

Connected to:
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release With the distributed option
PL/SQL Release - Production

Welcome to the cosdev/Oracle devl database

SQL> @locks

                        Lock report for the DEVL database

-----O/S------ -----ORACLE-----                                        
Username   Pid Username  ID  Ser Type       Object Name     Lock Held
-------------- ----------------- ---------- --------------- ---------
t4z      61060 TBMS_USE  20  367 Trans      (Rollback=R2_04 Exclusive

t4z      61060 TBMS_USE  20  367 DML        TBMSUACT        Row Excl
Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 00:00:00 CST

Original text of this message