ODCITableDescribe not picking up parameters

From: <matthew.f.macari_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 15:01:09 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <10232227.2576.1333490469304.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums_at_yncd8>

I'm attempting to implement the ODCITable interface to build a interfaced pipeline function. When I go to call my code from a query, the parameters I am passing the pipelined function are all being passed into the ODCITable* functions as null values.

Essentially, what I am trying to do is be able to do this: select *
from table(some_package.show(id1 = 12, id2 = 1234)); and have it return the resultset back as an abstract table. I have the code to make parse the query and build it, but my parameters are being pass as nulls.

I've attached a simpele type_test object to try and illustrate what I'm doing. Any help would be appreciated.

create or replace type type_test as object (

  • Author : MATT_MACARI
  • Created : 4/3/2012 12:26:29 PM
  • Purpose : Tests the ODCI Interface

  l_param number,   

  rtype sys.anytype,   

  rows_requested number,   

  static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,

                                    l_param in number default 1, row_param in number default 12) return number,
  static function ODCITableStart(sctx in out type_test,
                                 l_param in number, row_param in number) return number,
   member function ODCITableFetch(self in out type_test,
                                  nrows in number,
                                  rws out anydataset) return number,

   member function ODCITableClose(self in type_test) return number,    

   static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx out type_test,

                                    tf_info sys.odcitabfuncinfo,
                                    l_param in number, row_param in number) return number,

  static function show(l_param in number default 12, row_param in number default 123) return anydataset pipelined using type_test     


create or replace type body type_test is      

  static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,

                                    l_param in number := 1,
                                    row_param in number := 12) return number is
       v_rtype sys.anytype;
       v_param number;                             
       v_param := l_param;
       anytype.BeginCreate(typecode => dbms_types.typecode_object, atype => v_rtype);
       if v_param is not null or row_param is not null then
         v_rtype.AddAttr('type_test_success_' || v_param, dbms_types.typecode_varchar2, null, null, 50, null, null);
         v_rtype.AddAttr('type_test_failure', dbms_types.typecode_varchar2, null, null, 50, null, null);
         dbms_output.put_line('failure' || ' ' || l_param || ' ' || v_param);
       end if;
       anytype.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_table, rtype);
       rtype.setinfo(null, null, null, null, null, v_rtype, dbms_types.typecode_object, 0);
       return odciconst.success;


  static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx out type_test,

                                    tf_info sys.odcitabfuncinfo,
                                    l_param in number,
                                    row_param in number) return number is
      elem_type sys.anytype;
      prec      pls_integer;
      scale     pls_integer;
      len       pls_integer;
      csid      pls_integer;
      csfrm      pls_integer;
      tc        pls_integer;
      aname     varchar2(30);
      tc := tf_info.rettype.GetAttrElemInfo(1, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, elem_type, aname);
      sctx := type_test(l_param, elem_type, row_param);
      return odciconst.success;


  static function ODCITableStart(sctx in out type_test,

                                 l_param in number,
                                 row_param in number) return number is
      return odciconst.success;              

   member function ODCITableFetch(self in out type_test,

                                  nrows in number,
                                  rws out anydataset) return number is
     anydataset.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, self.rtype, rws);
     for i in 1 .. nvl(self.rows_requested, 23) loop
       if l_param is not null then
         rws.setvarchar2(to_char(i) || ' ' || l_param);
         rws.setvarchar2(to_char(i) || ' Failure.');
       end if;
     end loop;
     self.rows_requested := 0;
     return odciconst.success;


  member function ODCITableClose(self in type_test) return number is

         t_id number;
    return odciconst.success;
    select object_id
    into t_id
    from user_objects
    where object_name = 'TYPE_TEST'
    and object_type = 'TYPE BODY';

/ Received on Tue Apr 03 2012 - 17:01:09 CDT

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