Array as parameter

From: jodleren <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 08:45:19 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>


I posted some time ago about this, Mark D Powell answered, and I got a bit brighter, then other works, and I am back.

I have the procedure to call:

procedure VarastopaikkaSiirrot(ppSelite Vararasto_pack.vctable, Function VarastoPaikkaSiirrot2(ppJuoksu in pls_integer, ppPaikat in Vararasto_pack.intTable,
ppPaikka in pls_integer,
ppMuutos Vararasto_pack.floatTable,
ppMuutos in number,
ppTyyppi in char default 'S'
ppTyyppi in char,
) is
ppSelite in varchar2) return pls_integer is

The point is, that I dont understand the ppSelite, or any parameter I need to send to it.

There seems to be a number of "tables" in here, so what do I need to do?
As of now I understand a bit, but know nothing

Sonnich Received on Tue Nov 30 2010 - 10:45:19 CST

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