Re: column filter

From: Carl Forsman <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:12:20 -0800
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 20:37:54 +0100, "Michel Cadot" <micadot{at}altern{dot}org> wrote:

>"Carl Forsman" <> a ?crit dans le message de news:
>| The following query will return 3 word in 3 "TABLE COLUMN", How can I
>| modify the query to return "NO 3 words are the same"?
>| the following Table will have duplicated as both row has the same 3
>| words, I only need "a, young, woman" is enough. I do not need "a,
>| woman, young"
>| =======================
>| a, young, woman <-- both row has same 3 word, I only need 1 row
>| a, woman, young
>| =======================
>| (word1)(word2) (word3)
>| a, young, woman
>| a, woman, young
>| a, fish, dive
>| ....
>| =======================
>| SELECT DISTINCT A.word As word1, B.word AS word2, C.word AS word3
>| FROM Data AS A
>| JOIN Data AS B
>| ON A.document = B.document
>| AND A.position < B.position
>| AND ABS(A.position - B.position) < 3
>| ON A.document = C.document
>| AND A.position <> C.position
>| AND C.position <> B.position
>| AND (ABS(A.position - C.position) < 3
>| OR ABS(B.position - C.position) < 3) order by word1;
>Use greatest and least functions.

but the query returns 2 row has the same word

(word1)(word2)	(word3)
a,	young,	woman
a,	woman,	young
a, 	fish,	dive


since "a,young,woman" and "a,woman,young" are duplicated I only want query return
(word1)(word2)	(word3)
a,	young,	woman
a, 	fish,	dive


(word1)(word2)	(word3)
a,	woman,	young
a, 	fish,	dive
Received on Fri Feb 27 2009 - 14:12:20 CST

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