Re: invalid relational error, please help

From: Totti <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 18:44:35 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

Thnak you Mr. Morgan for your notice;
here is the whole thing:

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'mm') MONTH ,TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'YYYY') YEAR,   2 SUM(DECODE(PROD.category,'Special',prod.unit_price * sales.qty , 0)) AS "Special",
  3 SUM(DECODE(PROD.category,'Base',prod.unit_price * sales.qty , 0)) AS "Base",
  4 SUM(DECODE(PROD.category,'Common',prod.unit_price * sales.qty , 0)) AS "Common"
  5 from prod, sales, purinv
  6 where sales.prod_code = prod.code and Prod.category ('Special', 'Base', 'Common')
  7 and purch.inv_code = purinv.code
  8 group by
TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'mm') ,TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'YYYY')   9 order by
TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'YYYY'),TO_CHAR(purinv.Inv_Date,'mm'); and purch.inv_code = purinv.code
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-00920: invalid relational operator Received on Fri Jan 04 2008 - 20:44:35 CST

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