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Commercial scale space tourism

From: VR <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 18:21:41 -0800
Message-ID: <aqm4gt$6o5$>

Hello everyone,

My name is Victor Rozsnyay, CEO of Gravity Control Technologies. For the last 5 years my company has been developing aerospace technology capable of controlling gravity for flight. Such technology would be instrumental in introducing commercial scale space tourism flights within the next decade. Everyone would have the opportunity of visiting space.

Thus far we have raised over 1 million dollars from a private investor for proof of concept verification. The research conducted was successful. We believe we know how gravity control can be achieved.

We are no seeking 10 million dollars to build technology demonstrator prototypes within the next 2 years. Unfortunately no traditional Venture Capitalist will take the risk of financing our work. Not to mention their perceived loss of credibility. According to traditional science gravity control does not exist. Even though companies like NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and Raytheon frequently visit our site, no one will finance our work.

As our last ray of hope we turn to the general public. We have initiated a program where everyday people can become part of history. By visiting our website you can purchase advanced space tourism tickets for a future 8 hour flight. We will use the money obtained from your ticket purchase to finish research and build a prototype capable of gravity controlled flight. We believe that with a prototype in hand our large scale financing options will be thrown wide open.

The price of the ticket is only a dollar. We felt that everyone would have a dollar they would be willing to risk and contribute toward our cause. The price is symbolic, and does not reflect the actual price of what tickets will cost. A dollar is only the price of a cup of coffee. When we are successful in our development, all those who purchased tickets will experience the thrill of space flight. This is our way of saying thanks for the financial support

Please visit our website and help us finish what we have started. Make sure you browse the 'GET INVOLVED' section. There are several ways you can be involved in our work other than making a purchase or donating money.

And please tell all your friends. Let us build an international network of people all working toward commercial scale space tourism and space exploration.


Victor Rozsnyay
Gravity Control Technologies Received on Sun Nov 10 2002 - 20:21:41 CST

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