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Re: oci stored procedure parameter bind

From: John Bullock <>
Date: 19 Jun 2001 10:56:15 -0700
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for your quick reply to my post. Unfortunately, your answer didn't seem to fix the problem. I have included with this message copies of the code used to generate the package procedure and C executable. I am using a library of oci calls that was written to emulate the PHP style oci calls to simplify coding. The function within the library that calls obndra has also been included:

PACKAGE dc_test

  PROCEDURE log_msg (in_msg_num IN messages.msg_num%TYPE,

                     in_msg_txt  IN messages.msg_txt%TYPE,
                     results    OUT NUMBER);
  PROCEDURE test_oci (inout_txt IN OUT ttchar16); END; PACKAGE BODY dc_test IS

  PROCEDURE log_msg (in_msg_num IN messages.msg_num%TYPE,

                     in_msg_txt  IN messages.msg_txt%TYPE,
                     results    OUT NUMBER) IS
      results := 0;
      INSERT INTO messages VALUES(in_msg_num, in_msg_txt, SYSDATE);

        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Oracle Error ' || SQLERRM);

  END log_msg;

  PROCEDURE test_oci (inout_txt IN OUT ttchar16) IS     results NUMBER;
    func_name VARCHAR2(16) := 'test_oci: ';


              func_name || 'inout_txt 1:' || inout_txt(1), results);
              func_name || 'inout_txt 2:' || inout_txt(2), results);

      inout_txt(1) := 'Return Text 1';
      inout_txt(2) := 'Return Text 2';

  END test_oci;

#include <dblib.h>
#include <db.h>

static oraConnection conn;
static oraCursor cursor;

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

#include "proto.h"
#include "myapp.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "myapplp.h"

#define MAX_RECS 2

sb2 indp[MAX_RECS];
ub2 alen[MAX_RECS];
ub2 arcode[MAX_RECS];

char inout_str[80];
char inout_text[MAX_RECS][16];

char ac_locprog[PRGNMSZ+1],   /* local program name */
     ac_locnode[SYSNMSZ+1],   /* local program node */
     ac_hostname[SYSNMSZ+1];  /* name of computer program is on */

char ac_logmsg[161];
char ac_sql[8192];

int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
  char *pc_locprog;

  void cleanup(int);

  /* --- Get the local system host name. --- */

  gethostname(ac_hostname, sizeof(ac_hostname));

  /* --- Get the program name from the runstring. --- */

  if((pc_locprog = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL)     strcpy(ac_locprog, argv[0]);
    strcpy(ac_locprog, ++pc_locprog);

  /* --- Connect to the database. --- */

  if(!ora_logon(&conn, (char *)pc_dbuserid)) {     fprintf(stderr,"Connect: %s\n",ora_error(&conn));     cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE);
  if(!ora_open(&cursor,&conn)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Open: %s\n",ora_error(&cursor));     cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE);
  strcpy(inout_text[0], "Some Text...");   strcpy(inout_text[1], "More Text...");   sprintf(ac_sql,

    "BEGIN \n"
    "  dc_test.test_oci(\n"
    "    :inout_text\n"
    "  );\n"

  if(!ora_parse(&cursor, ac_sql)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ora_parse: %s\n", ora_error(&cursor));     cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE);

  if(!ora_bindspvara(&cursor, ":inout_text", inout_text, 16, SQLT_STR,

                 indp, alen, arcode, MAX_RECS, "INOUT")) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ora_bindspvar(:inout_text): %s\n", ora_error(&cursor));

  if(!ora_exec(&cursor)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ora_exec:%s\n", ora_error(&cursor));     cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE);

  printf("inout_text1=[%s]\n", inout_text[0]);   printf("inout_text2=[%s]\n", inout_text[1]);   cleanup(EXIT_SUCCESS);

 Function cleanup() -- Close data base, detach from shared memory segment,
                       shutdown UISG, close XCS, and exit the program.

void cleanup(j_exitcode)
int j_exitcode;

   /* Disconnect from Oracle */
   if(!ora_close(&cursor)) {

      sprintf(ac_logmsg,"Close: %s\n",ora_error(&cursor));
      logmsg(SYS_MSGSEV, ac_locprog, ac_hostname, ac_logmsg);
   if(!ora_logoff(&conn)) {
      sprintf(ac_logmsg,"Disconnect: %s\n",ora_error(&conn));
      logmsg(SYS_MSGSEV, ac_locprog, ac_hostname, ac_logmsg);


int ora_bindspvara(oraCursor *p_curs, char *pc_name, void *buf, size_t buflen,

                   sword type, sb2 *indp, ub2 *alen, ub2 *arcode, int
                   char *pc_inout)

  ub4 mycursiz;
  int j;

  ORAERR();   if(strncmp(pc_inout, "IN", 2) == 0) {
    for(j=0; j<j_maxsiz; j++) {

      indp[j] = 0;
      alen[j] = (ub2)buflen;


  mycursiz = (ub4)j_maxsiz;

  return obndra(&p_curs->cda, pc_name, -1, (ub1 *)buf, (sword) buflen, type,

                -1, indp, alen, arcode, (ub4)j_maxsiz, &mycursiz,
(text *) 0,
                -1, -1) ? ORA_FAIL : ORA_SUCCESS;

Thanks again for any help you can provide,

John Bullock
OCI Programmer (Wannabee)

Thomas Kyte <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>,
> says...
> >
> >I am trying to get a standard C application to call an existing
> >database stored procedure using the OCI library.  The program uses
> >function "obndra" to bind a parameter declared as "IN OUT" and "TABLE
> >OF VARCHAR2(16)" to a two dimensional C char array.  When the
> >application is run, the following error is reported:
> >
> >error 1485 "compile bind length different from execute bind length"
> >
> >If I modify the stored procedure parameter to be OUT only, the C app
> >works fine.
> >
> >Can anyone tell me if you can bind to an "IN OUT" parameter this way?
> >
> >I would like to know if it's even possible to bind to an "IN OUT"
> >procedure parameter using "obndra".  I have not included copies of the
> >software here because the application can be made to work, although it
> >would be more effective to leave the existing stored procedure as is. 
> >I will supply stored procedure and C code upon request if more
> >information is required.
> >
> >Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
> 01485, 00000, "compile bind length different from execute bind length"
> // *Cause:  You bound a buffer of type DTYVCS (VARCHAR with the two byte 
> //          length in front) and at execute time the length in the first two 
> //          bytes is more than the maximum buffer length (given in the bind 
> //          call).  The number of elements in the array and the current number 
> //          of elements in the array cannot be more than the maximum size of
> //          the array.
> that typically means the data in the array on the way in was un-initialized.  It
> is customary to set the length fields to the maximum width for uninitialized
> data on the way in.
> Here is an example from a pro*c app that needed to dynamically call a procedure
> with a PLSQL table type:
> static void process()
> {
> Lda_Def lda;
> Cda_Def cda;
> char    stmt[255];
> char    ename[40];
> char    data[50][255];
> short   data_l[50];
> short   data_i[50];
> short   data_rc[50];
> int     data_nelements;
> int     i;
>     sqllda( &lda );
>     if ( oopen(&cda,&lda,NULL,-1,01,NULL,-1) ) oci_error(lda,cda);
>     strcpy( stmt, "begin do_something( :p_table ); end;" );
>     if ( oparse(&cda, stmt, -1, 0, 2 ) ) oci_error(lda,cda);
>     /* init all array elements to NULL and set their max length */
>     for( i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]); i++ )
>     {
>         data_i[i] = -1;
>         data_l[i] = sizeof(data[0]);
>     }
>     /* for the elements we have data for, fix the NULL indicator and
>        put some data in there */
>     for( data_nelements = 0; data_nelements < 15; data_nelements++ )
>     {
>         data_i[data_nelements] = 0;
>         sprintf( data[data_nelements], "Some data %d", data_nelements );
>     }
>     /* Bind it */
>     if (
>     obndra( &cda,               /* cursor data area */
>            ":p_table",          /* bind variable name */
>             -1,                 /* indicates prev. parameter is C String */
>             (void*)data,        /* data array (plsql table) */
>             sizeof(data[0]),    /* sizeof each array element */
>             STRING_TYPE,        /* binding C strings in table */
>             -1,                 /* scale (not used) */
>             data_i,             /* indicators for the i'th tbl entry */
>             data_l,             /* lengths of the i'th tbl entry */
>             data_rc,            /* return codes for the i'th tbl entry */
>             sizeof( data )/sizeof(data[0]), /* MAXsize of array */
>             &data_nelements,    /* CURRENT size of array */
>             (void*)0,           /* not used */
>             -1,                 /* not used */
>             -1 )                /* not used */
>             ) oci_error(lda,cda);
>     /* run it */
>     if( oexec( &cda ) ) oci_error(lda,cda);
>     /* show it... */
>     for( i = 0; i < data_nelements; i++ )
>         printf( "Element(%d), Length = %d ind = %d = %s\n",
>                   i, data_l[i], data_i[i], data[i] );
> }
Received on Tue Jun 19 2001 - 12:56:15 CDT

Original text of this message