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Re: HELP! VERY New to Oracle

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 18:12:07 GMT
Message-ID: <>

A copy of this was sent to MADEIRA SALLY <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:35:37 GMT, you wrote:

>I am very new to PL/SQL and Oracle in general. I am taking all that
>was done in MS SQL 7.0 and now using oracle. My precudures are
>very complex taking multiple tables and creating SQL statements
>then needing to taking the result set from that resultset and
>creating another SQL Statement. In MS SQL 7.0 the INTO was great
>becuase I could then reference a temp table and use it in another
>SQL Statement!
>What do I need to do to this Procedure to select from the
>SQL Statement. I can not reference the INTO variable!.

select ... INTO ... in Oracle is not the same as select into in sqlserver.

select .. into .. from table .. in Oracle selects a single row into a local variable -- not into a temporary table.

Your procedure in Oracle would be:

>PROCEDURE R10_ParticipationListing
>(BeginDate IN DATE:='1-JAN-99',
> EndDate IN DATE:='31-APR-99',
> FinalRS_cv IN OUT Cursor_Types.FinalRS_Cur)
>/*Get All Participation Records of LoanType = "PT" and PartType <> "IL
>(Interoffice Particpations) */
>/*Get Loan Balances where LoanType not in "LC", "BA", "PT" */
>Open finalRS_cv for

 SELECT 	Comdyear.OfficeNum,

> Comdyear.CliNum,
> SUM(Get_LoanBalance(Comdyear.LoanBal,'EOM', Comdlon2.PTType,
>Comd02a.LoanType)) EOMBalance,
> SUM(Get_LoanBalance(Comdyear.LoanBal,'Gross', Comdlon2.PTType,
>Comd02a.LoanType)) GrossBalance,
> Comd02a.LoanName
>INTO Proc_Rec
>FROM Comdyear,Comd02a,Comdlon2
>WHERE (Comdyear.LoanNum=Comd02a.LoanNum
> AND Comdyear.Clinum=Comd02a.Clinum
> AND Comdyear.OfficeNum=Comd02a.OfficeNum)
> AND (Comd02a.LoanNum = Comdlon2.LoanNum
> AND Comd02a.CliNum=Comdlon2.CliNum
> AND Comd02a.OfficeNum=Comdlon2.OfficeNum)
> AND (Comdyear.Date_R BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate)
>GROUP BY Comdyear.OfficeNum, Comd02a.LoanName, Comdyear.CliNum;

In 99.999% of the cases I have seen, the use of temp tables in sqlserver was to avoid optimizer issues with 3 or more tables in a query or because you hit the 16 table limit. Neither of these will be an issue -- having many tables in a join and have lots more then 16 referenced objects in a query is not a problem. You will want to recode your multi step queries into a single query in Oracle. Inline views (the ability to select from a select) make this pretty easy to accomplish and do the same thing as a temp table more or less. Lets say in sqlserver you had three tables:


There is a 1:m relationship between DEPT and EMP. there is a 1:m relationship between DEPT and PROJECTS.

You need to write a query that puts together the deptno, dept_name, count of employees and count of projects -- you would do this for a given deptno. In sqlserver you might have:

select count(*) as empcnt into #t1 from emp where deptno = 10; select count(*) as projcnt into #t2 from projects where deptno = 10;

select deptno, dept_name, empcnt, projcnt from deptno, #t1, #t2 where deptno = 10;

In Oracle you would simply code:


   SOME_VARIABLE number := 10;

   open x for

      select d.deptno, d.dept_name, e.empcnt, p.projcnt
        from dept d,
        (select count(*) empcnt from emp where deptno = SOME_VARIABLE ) e,
        (select count(*) projcnt from projects where deptno = SOME_VARIABLE )p
       where d.deptno = SOME_VARIABLE;


>I get Error:
>Error at Line 43, Column 9
> PLS-00356: "Proc_Rec' Must be a table to which the user has access
>Again, I am very new and (three days!)
>Please Help

See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'... Current article is "Fine Grained Access Control", added June 8'th  

Thomas Kyte         
Oracle Service Industries     Reston, VA   USA

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Sun Jun 20 1999 - 13:12:07 CDT

Original text of this message