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Re: Insert 90MB data in one cell

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:26:32 GMT
Message-ID: <372aabd8.5357874@>

A copy of this was sent to klimsamgin <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:32:01 GMT, you wrote:

>I use LONG RAW column to store large binary datafiles in ORACLE 7.3
>under Solaris 2.5 (for example, 90MB file).
>And when I insert this big value in the table's cell
>at a heat, my PRO*C program can't allocate
>enough memory in the system (90MB contiguous memory buffer).
>To resolve this trouble, I should insert small
>pieces of this file in the cell(for examle, 1000x90KB, 1000 pieces).
>But how can I do this? Which command need used?
>Of couse, I can use 1000 cells, but what about one cell?
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You might consider mixing OCI with your pro*c (see the sqllda function call in the OCI manual for more info). OCI (the Oracle Call Interface) can piecewise insert and fetch the LONG RAW data. Here is an example subroutine that loads a file in 64k chunks into my table:

void load_image( char * filename, char * mime_type, char * tname ) {
text longbuf[65536];

ub4     len_longbuf = sizeof(longbuf);
ub4     piecesize = sizeof(longbuf);

text img_size[20];
ub2 col_rcode; /* Column return code */ FILE * input;
char *context = "context pointer";
ub1 piece;
ub4 iteration;
ub4 plsqltable;
ub1 cont = (ub1)1;
text sqlstmt[1024];

    printf("\nOpening source file %s\n", filename);     if (!(input=fopen( filename, "rb" )) )

        print_error_and_exit( "error opening file" );

    fseek( input, 0, SEEK_END );
    sprintf( img_size, "%ld", ftell( input ) );     fseek( input, 0, SEEK_SET );
    printf( "File is %s bytes...\n", img_size );

    sprintf( sqlstmt, "INSERT INTO %s ( name, mime_type, img_size, image ) \  VALUES (:name, :mime_type, :img_size, :image )", tname?tname:"image" );

    if (oparse(&cda, sqlstmt, (sb4)-1, 0, (ub4)VERSION_7))

        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    if (obndrv(&cda, (text *)":name", -1, filename, -1,

                SQLT_STR, -1, (sb2 *)0, (ub1 *)0, -1, -1))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    if (obndrv(&cda, (text *)":mime_type", -1, mime_type, -1,
                SQLT_STR, -1, (sb2 *)0, (ub1 *)0, -1, -1))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    if (obndrv(&cda, (text *)":img_size", -1, img_size, -1,
                SQLT_STR, -1, (sb2 *)0, (ub1 *)0, -1, -1))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    if (obindps(&cda, 0, (text *)":image",
                strlen(":image"), (ub1 *)context, 999999999,
                SQLT_LBI, (sword)0, (sb2 *)0,
                (ub2 *)0, &col_rcode, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, (ub4 *)0, (text *)0, 0, 0))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    while (cont)

            printf( "return code %d\n", cda.rc );
        switch (-cda.rc)
            case 0: /* operation is finished */
                cont = 0;

            case OCI_MORE_INSERT_PIECES: /* ORA-03129 was returned */
                if ((len_longbuf = fread(longbuf, 1, len_longbuf, input)) == -1)
                    print_error_and_exit( "fread failed" );

                if ( ogetpi(&cda, &piece, (dvoid**)&context,
                            &iteration,&plsqltable) )
                    print_error_and_exit( "ogetpi failed" );

                if (len_longbuf < piecesize) /* last piece? */
                    piece = OCI_LAST_PIECE;
                    printf( "Setting piece to last piece..\n" );

                if (osetpi(&cda, piece, longbuf, &len_longbuf))
                    print_error_and_exit( "osetpi failed" );

                printf( "return code %d\n", cda.rc );
                printf( oerr_cda() );

    ocom(&lda); /* Commit the insert */     fclose(input);

    if (oclose(&cda)) /* close cursor */

        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() ); }

Then, the OCI to read a long raw out might look like:

void save_images( char * sql_statement ) {
ub1 * ucp;
int UCP_SIZE = 65536;

sb2      indp = 0;
sb2      indp2 = 0;
ub4      ret_len = 0;
ub2      retl = 0;
ub2      retl2 = 0;
ub2      rcode = 0;
ub2      rcode2 = 0;
int      fetched;
text     file_name[255];
FILE     * output;
int     rc;

    /* sqlstatement is a query that fetches a LONG RAW column
       and a column that will be used as a FILENAME to store that
       long raw into

    if ( !(ucp = (ub1 *)malloc( UCP_SIZE )) )

        print_error_and_exit("malloc failed" );

    if (oparse(&cda, sql_statement, -1, 0, 2))

        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    /* datatype = 24 is LONG RAW, = 8 is LONG */     if (odefin(&cda, 1, ucp, UCP_SIZE, 24, -1,     /* if (odefin(&cda, 1, ucp, UCP_SIZE, 8, -1, */

               &indp, (text *) 0, 0, -1, &retl, &rcode))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    if (odefin(&cda, 2, file_name, sizeof(file_name), STRING_TYPE, -1,
               &indp2, (text *) 0, 0, -1, &retl2, &rcode2))
        print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

    for( rc = oexfet(&cda, (ub4) 1, 0, 0); !rc; rc = ofetch(&cda) )     {

        output = fopen( file_name, "wb" );
        if ( output == NULL )
            print_error_and_exit( "fopen failed" );

        for( fetched = 0, ret_len = 1; ret_len; fetched += ret_len )
            if (oflng(&cda, 1, ucp, UCP_SIZE,
                        24, &ret_len, fetched ))
                        /* 8, &ret_len, fetched ))  */
                print_error_and_exit( oerr_cda() );

            if ( ret_len )
                if ( fwrite( ucp, 1, ret_len, output ) != ret_len )
                    print_error_and_exit( "fwrite failed" );
        fclose( output );
        printf( "Wrote File %s with %d bytes\n", file_name, fetched );

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Service Industries
Reston, VA USA

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Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Tue Apr 27 1999 - 07:26:32 CDT

Original text of this message