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Re: Random number generator in plsql

From: Ray Dawson <>
Date: 1997/07/28
Message-ID: <>

>Does someone has a routine which enables me to generate random numbers in
This is a repost of a previous article from this newsgroup. This is not my code nor have I made use of it. It is just something I kept on file for future reference. If you intend to use it, you may want to contact the original poster listed below for his permission or any questions you may have.


Ray Dawson
Oracle Applications Specialist
Mastech Systems Corp.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 13:10:30 +0100
From: Brian Ewins <>
Subject: Re: Random selection of records in PL/SQL

doid wrote:

> HShukla538 wrote:
> >
> > How can i select a true random record in pl/sql
I've done this in the past using code like: foo:=random.next_int(range)+offset; select * into rec from bar where key>foo and rownum=1; (ie I have a numeric key in the table, I generate a random number based on the offset and range of the values of this key (offset=min(key), range=max(key)-min(key)).) The random number generator I used varied; in one case I was doing this in perl, so I used its random number generator to help build the sql; in other cases I've used a random number generator I converted from one in Numerical Recipes in C (Oxford University Press). The generator was a linear congruential generator with shuffling and had a pretty long period, so was random enough for almost any purpose. The code is included below - use it at your own risk. It's not as efficient as it could be, but I didn't want to spend much time on it, other than to get a working conversion. Hope this helps. Brian =========================================BEGIN set verify off set feedback off -- Random number generator, adapted from 'Numerical Recipes in C', -- second edition, p 282. A generator due to L'Ecuyer with Bays-Durham -- shuffle... ie, a simple 'linear congruential' generator, with a -- table of the last 32 generated numbers, from which one is chosen to -- be handed out and replaced with the latest number, using a second generator, -- so that the combined period is very long (> 2 x 10^18). -- There are 4 public functions: -- seed(x) seeds the random sequence with x. -- since the sequence only has good random properties if we let it go, -- this should be called sparingly; the code has been expicitly written -- to allow the random number tables to persist. -- seed on its own (no arguments) seeds the generator using the current time. -- this is used at the end of this file to seed the generator for the first time -- next_num : no parameters. returns a number in the range 0..1 excluding -- endpoints. The random numbers have a uniform deviate and are statistical ly -- pretty good at being random... -- next_int(x): given a maximum value x, return integers in the range 0..x, -- including 0 but not including x. -- next_string(x): returns a string x chars long, consisting of the letters -- a-z. This is intended for use in creating 'cookie' type session persiste nce -- for the web server. -- static store required to make data persist: drop table random_persist; create table random_persist (id varchar2(10),value number) tablespace tsdata storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0); create or replace package random is -- constants -- first linear congruential generator IM1 constant number := 2147483563; IA1 constant number := 40014; IQ1 constant number := 53668; IR1 constant number := 12211; -- syntactic sugar... IMM1 constant number := IM1-1; AM constant number := 1.0/IM1; -- second generator, used for shuffling IM2 constant number := 2147483399; IA2 constant number := 40692; IQ2 constant number := 52774; IR2 constant number := 3791; -- size of shuffle table NTAB constant number := 32; NDIV constant number := (1+IMM1/NTAB); -- precision (32 bit), maximum number. EPS constant number := 1.2e-7; RNMX constant number := 1.0-EPS; -- PUBLIC INTERFACE procedure seed(seed_val in number default null); function next_num return number; function next_int(max_int integer) return integer; function next_string(chars in integer) return varchar2; --PRIVATE UTILITIES function get_persistent(id varchar2) return number; procedure set_persistent(id varchar2, value number); end random; / show errors; create or replace package body random is -- seed function. this should only be used for test purposes; -- the call at the end of this file does the initialisation -- normally. Note that the generator is intended to be static -- across database _instances_ so that we don't try to generate -- the same numbers several times in succession. procedure seed(seed_val in number default null) is idum1 number; k number; j integer; begin if seed_val is null then --set seed from current time. idum1:=to_number(to_char(sysdate,'SSSS')); else idum1:=floor(seed_val); end if; if idum1<1 then idum1:=1; end if; set_persistent('idum2',idum1); for j in reverse 0..(NTAB+7) loop k:=floor(idum1/IQ1); idum1:=IA1*(idum1-k*IQ1)-k*IR1; if idum1<0 then idum1:=idum1+IM1; end if; if j<NTAB then set_persistent(to_char(j),idum1); end if; end loop; set_persistent('iy',get_persistent('0')); set_persistent('idum1',idum1); end seed; function next_num return number is idum1 number; idum2 number; iy number; temp number; k number; j integer; begin -- restore the persisted values idum1:=get_persistent('idum1'); idum2:=get_persistent('idum2'); iy:=get_persistent('iy'); --generator1 begins here. --uses Schrager's method for calculating --mod without overflow. Not really necessary --here; number's are much bigger than 32 bit. k:=floor(idum1/IQ1); idum1:=IA1*(idum1-k*IQ1)-k*IR1; if idum1<0 then idum1:=idum1+IM1; end if; -- second generator. k:=floor(idum2/IQ2); idum2:=IA2*(idum2-k*IQ2)-k*IR2; if idum2<0 then idum2:=idum2+IM2; end if; -- shuffle/combine generators j:=floor(iy/NDIV); iy:=get_persistent(to_char(j))-idum2; if (iy<1) then iy:=iy+IMM1; end if; -- before returning, set the new persistents... set_persistent(to_char(j),idum1); set_persistent('idum1',idum1); set_persistent('idum2',idum2); set_persistent('iy',iy); --prevent endpoints being returned temp := AM*iy; if temp>RNMX then temp:=RNMX; end if; return temp; end next_num; -- maintain persistent storage function get_persistent(id varchar2) return number is retval number; begin select value into retval from random_persist where; return retval; end get_persistent; procedure set_persistent(id varchar2,value number) is small_string; begin small_string:=substr(id,1,length(small_string)); insert into random_persist (id,value) select small_string, set_persistent.value from dual where not exists ( select null from random_persist where id=small_string ); update random_persist set value=set_persistent.value where; end set_persistent; -- convenience function to return integers up to a specified range. function next_int(max_int integer) return integer is begin return floor(next_num*max_int); end next_int; -- return the random number as a base 26 number, with digits -- as letters in the range a-z. This prevents the user seeing -- both the internal representation and the full precision of the -- number, to increase security. 32-bit randoms will return -- trailing 'AAA...' strings for more than about 10 chars. function next_string(chars in integer) return varchar2 is next_letter integer; i integer; temp number; retval varchar2(32); begin retval:=''; temp:=next_num; for i in 1 .. chars loop next_letter:=floor(temp*26); temp:=(temp*26)-next_letter; retval:=concat(retval,CHR(next_letter+ASCII('a'))); end loop; return retval; end next_string; end random; / show errors; -- seed random number from the time. exec random.seed ===================================END -- ****====---- Brian Ewins. Fax: (44) 141 220 6100 Tel: (44) 141 220 6121 "It's time we face reality, my friends... We're not exactly rocket scientists." --Gary Larson ----====****
Received on Mon Jul 28 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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