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[Q]: Enterprise Backup Utility

From: Neil Greene <>
Date: 1997/05/26
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I haven't used the latest versions of EBU, but I was wondering if the following was supported:

	o What recovery fault tolerance is built into EBU?  For instance, 
	say an attempt is made to restore a datafile and for some reason
	the latest media backup of this file is corrupt or unavailable.  
	Can EBU intelligently use an older backup of this file and apply
	archive logs or will it fail because the file is damaged, lost or
	no longer available.

	o Can database backups, hot/cold, be tagged for archival purposes
	when doing database backups?  For instance, I am backing up one of 
	my development databases which the development team may want me
	to restore to a particular checkpoint.  I could check the 	
	databases current SCN and simply record this on paper or it would
	be nice if the backup utility would give me the option of tagging
	a backup with a nice name for restoration purposes (1.0, 1.1, 2.0,
	Production 1.1) which would record the time/date or SCN for me. 
	This could be considered a logical backup.  And you could still
	be given the option of doing a hot/cold physical backup.

	o What limitation does EBU have when doing recovery of an instance
	whose physical schema has changed?  SQL*BackTrack, Datatools, 
	trys to protect the user by allowing you to restore the database 
	to a point in time that is consistent with the current physical 
	schema.  So, if you add a datafile or change the physical layout 
	of the database it will, by default, allow you to only restore the 
	database from this new consistent point in time.  Even though you 
	have all media and recovery files available.  In order to restore 
	to a point in time prior to the physical schema change, you need
	to first edit/restore your backup log files to a point in time
	consistent with this backup.  Kinda of another hidden step you
	need to do, but it is still doable.

	What should happen is when the schema design change is made, the
	tool could still archive your old backups of the databases prior
	physical layout.  

	Does EBU support restorations like this easily?  Something that
	is often necessary in development environments.  Especially with
	Oracle Applications projects.

	NOTE: This type of recovery is still possible with SBT, you just
	need to first restore the backup log files and then the database.

Neil Greene			Senior System Engineer / Oracle DBA	
MCI Systemhouse, Inc. 		<>

Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzNWiBwAAAEEALmJ2Zho8BRcFc6vOHuUJp1TJ4+fZsmDgvi57DfDcnVCIcEv e//qQ185dRN03821V7+MwfdKT51KOFcKRnHKFe8xGdDgMCB73ZFUn6X0acn3dVKn K7kSTLpjcqlwGcEQb5MsH2oPz2ejUZ4+BghTN66nrZsEptkZOI+PVZH4HYSBAAUR tCJOZWlsIEdyZWVuZSA8bmdyZWVuZUBsYW9jLlNITC5jb20+ =kEst
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Received on Mon May 26 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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