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Re: Problem with table size

From: Ken Eaton <>
Date: 1997/05/23
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I think you have received some good input from Allen and Dick. Your PCTFREE doesn't appear to be much of a problem. I would try upping your PCTUSED. If I am reading your note correctly, you have a lot of fairly small rows (avg len=183). PCTUSED determines when a block is placed back on the freelist. A higher value means it will be available sooner. If your inserts and deletes are likely to be uniformally spread across your blocks, you will have many blocks that never get back on the freelist even though there is room for rows. You can run a report to see how many blocks you are currently using at two time points to find the rate of increase in your table. Once you increase the number, it will apply to all blocks in the database, but not until an operation occurs on that block (like a row deletion). Gauge it for a similar time period and see if the blocks increase more slowly... Dick suggested placing this table in its own tablespace which is a good idea. You may be doing that already. I would recommend reading Cary Millsap's paper on 'Oracle7 Server Space Management' as there are a number of pointers in there that may help. He has formulas for setting storage paramenters and recommends setting Initial=Next & PCTIncrease=0. He also has a discussion on Exporting and Importing. You should try Exp/Imp using Dick's suggestion to get yourself back in line periodically. If you do the Export/Import, make sure your storage parameters are where you want them after the import... ie. Cary Millsap recommends against the Compress=Y option that resets storage parameters from your tuned settings. Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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