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Re: [Q]: Listener not listening?

From: Joel R. Kallman <>
Date: 1997/02/24
Message-ID: <>#1/1

This sounds uncannilly like a DNS problem, not necessarily an Oracle listener problem.

Here's how you go about proving or disproving me. Firstly, outside of the pool of IP addresses that your DHCP server will dole out, assign a permanent IP address (i.e., *not* assigned from the DHCP server) to your database server. Then, from a client, attempt to TNSPING it (or for older versions of SQL*Net, NETTEST). Specify the username/password, and SID of the database you are trying to hit.

If this doesn't work or seems excessively slow, simply attempt to ping the server by hostname (not IP address). If this seems excessively slow, then I believe you will have isolated the problem to your DNS server.

Another way to test this out, assuming the IP address of your server is fixed (not dynamically assigned at boot), replace the hostname reference in the TNSNAMES.ORA file on one of the clients with the actual IP address of the database server, thus taking DNS out of the equation.

On Mon, 24 Feb 1997 13:13:53 -0500, Nicci Roth <> wrote:

>I have Oracle 7.3.2 running on Digital Unix 3.2D-1 on an Alphastation
>600 5/333 with 256MB RAM.
>About 2 weeks ago I started to experience the following behavior: A
>user would try to establish a connection to the database and would hang
>there and never be connected. Existing connections to the database were
>fine. It would start out that one client would have problems from one
>machine and then it would degrade across the whole network. The machine
>the database is running did not have a process in a loop and most of the
>machine CPU was idle. My backup database (running on a different
>machine) did not experience the same problem. I called Oracle tech
>support and they said that it couldn't be identified as a problem on an
>Oracle level since Oracle was logging any errors.
>I do a cold backup of my database Monday through Friday (from production
>to backup). This has been going on for about a month.
>Also we've introduced a Microsoft NT DHCP server into our network. This
>has also been in place for about a month.
>My question, could either of these two be causing my listener problem or
>if not, has anyone experienced this problem and if so how did you
>resolve it?
>Any help would be most appreciated.
>Nicci Roth
>OTA Limited Partnership
>1 Manhattanville Rd
>Purchase, NY 10577
>phone: 914/694 5800
>fax: 914/694 5831
>If you can't find any other meaning in everthing that's
>happening, try to consider it as entertainment



Joel R. Kallman          Enabling the Information Age through
Oracle Government                Network Computing!
Bethesda, MD        

The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation. Received on Mon Feb 24 1997 - 00:00:00 CST

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