@echo off goto Begin OCopy.bat v1.0 - hot backup of oracle databases written 04/04/2002 by Ken Teague ChangeLog: v1.0 04/04/2002 kt initial version INSTALLATION: 1. copy OCopy.bat %WINDIR% 2. edit %WINDIR%\OCopy.bat 3. Set the VER, ORAHOME, DBDIR, and BKUPDIR vars and create directories as needed. 4. Add to your AT command scheduler to automate the task. :BEGIN set VER=80 SET ORAHOME=D:\ORANT SET DBDIR=%ORAHOME%\DATABASE SET BKUPDIR=%ORAHOME%\Backup if "%1" == "/?" goto HELP if "%1" == "?" goto HELP if /i "%1" == "/H" goto HELP if /i "%1" == "help" goto HELP if /i "%1" == "start" goto EXECUTE :HELP echo. echo OCopy - hot backup of Oracle databases echo. echo Syntax: %0 start echo. echo. echo INSTALLATION: echo 1. copy %0.bat %WINDIR% echo 2. edit %WINDIR%\%0.bat echo 3. Set the VER, ORAHOME, DBDIR, and BKUPDIR vars and create directories as needed. echo 4. Add to your AT command scheduler to automate the task. echo. echo. goto END :EXECUTE for %%a in (%DBDIR%\*.ora) do ocopy%VER% %%a %BKUPDIR% goto END :END