REM ######################################################################## REM ## Author : Sunil Kumar REM ## REM ## This script gives the following: REM ## 1. The list of all foreign keys of the given table. REM ## 2. The list of all foreign keys that references the given table. REM ## 3. Self referential integrity constraints REM ## REM ## The output is in tabular format that contains the list of columns REM ## that consists the foreign key. REM ####################################################################### set linesize 110 set verify off set pagesize 40 break on owner on table_name on constraint_name on r_constraint_name column owner format a5 column r_owner format a5 column column_name format a12 column tt noprint column position heading P format 9 column table_name format a15 column r_table_name format a15 column constraint_name format a15 column r_constraint_name format a15 select, a.owner, b.table_name, a.constraint_name, b.column_name, b.position, a.r_constraint_name, c.column_name, c.position, c.table_name r_table_name, a.r_owner from (select owner, constraint_name, r_constraint_name, r_owner,1 tt from dba_constraints where owner=upper('&&owner') and table_name=upper('&&table_name') and constraint_type!='C' union select owner, constraint_name, r_constraint_name, r_owner,2 from dba_constraints where (r_constraint_name,r_owner) in (select constraint_name, owner from dba_constraints where owner=upper('&owner') and table_name=upper('&table_name')) ) a, dba_cons_columns b, dba_cons_columns c where b.constraint_name=a.constraint_name and b.owner=a.owner and c.constraint_name=a.r_constraint_name and c.owner=a.r_owner and b.position=c.position order by 1,2,3,4,5 / set verify on clear columns clear breaks undef owner undef table_name