rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Filename: rmanstat.sql rem Purpose: List completed RMAN backups for the last 24-hours rem (use info from Dictionary - Control File Views) rem Date: 12-Feb-2000 rem Author: Frank Naude, Oracle FAQ rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- tti "RMAN Backups for last 24-hours" col type format a4 col handle format a35 trunc col file# format 9999 col duration format a9 select decode(BACKUP_TYPE, 'L', 'ARCH', 'D', 'DB', 'I', 'INC', 'Unknown type='||BACKUP_TYPE) TYPE, to_char(a.start_time, 'DDMON HH24:MI') start_time, to_char(a.elapsed_seconds/60, '99.9')||' Min' DURATION, substr(handle, -35) handle, nvl(d.file#, l.sequence#) file#, nvl(d.blocks, l.blocks) blocks from SYS.V_$BACKUP_SET a, SYS.V_$BACKUP_PIECE b, SYS.V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE d, SYS.V_$BACKUP_REDOLOG l where a.start_time between sysdate-1 and sysdate and a.SET_STAMP = b.SET_STAMP and a.SET_STAMP = d.SET_STAMP(+) and a.SET_STAMP = l.SET_STAMP(+) order by start_time, file# /