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Index > ORACLE Server Parameters > sessions


Oracle 11.1.0:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:TRUE

Oracle 10.2.0:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:TRUE

Oracle 10.1.0:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 9.2.0:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 8.1.7:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:TRUE

Oracle 8.0.6:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 7.3.4:

Parameter Name:sessions
Description:user and system sessions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Related Error Messages:

ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
    Cause: All session state objects are in use.

    Action: Increase the value of the SESSIONS initialization parameter.

ORA-00019: maximum number of session licenses exceeded

    Cause: All licenses are in use.

    Action: Increase the value of the LICENSE MAX SESSIONS initialization parameter.

ORA-00038: Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server group that is owned by a different user.

    Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server in the server group in non-migratable mode. All subsequent non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns the server group. To have a different user login in non-migratable mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed. This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching from all existing servers in the server group and then having the new user login to become the new owner.

ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected

    Cause: There is at least one more session other than the current one logged into the instance. ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.

    Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the command

ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active

    Cause: Attempted to start an incompatible media recovery or open resetlogs during media recovery or RMAN backup . Media recovery sessions are incompatible if they attempt to recover the same data file. Incomplete media recovery or open resetlogs is incompatible with any media recovery. Backup or restore by RMAN is incompatible with open resetlogs

    Action: Complete or cancel the other media recovery session or RMAN backup

ORA-01182: cannot create database file %s - file is in use or recovery

    Cause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate a datafile that is online in an open instance or is being recovered.

    Action: Close database in all instances and end all recovery sessions

ORA-01353: existing Logminer session

    Cause: An attempt was made to execute DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE while a Logminer session(s) was active.

    Action: First cause all Logminer sessions to be closed. A Logminer session can exist as a result of executing DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR or as the result of using Oracle features such as Data Guard SQL Apply or Streams which use Logminer. Next, execute DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE.

ORA-01356: active logminer sessions found

    Cause: Logminer sessions are currently active.

    Action: End all logminer sessions and retry.

ORA-01373: insufficient memory for staging persistent LogMiner session

    Cause: The maximum number of concurrent persistent LogMiner sessions allowed is limited by LOGMNR_MAX_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS parameter. Not enough memory has been set aside at instance startup to allocate the new LogMiner session.

    Action: Increase LOGMNR_MAX_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS and restart instance.

ORA-02045: too many local sessions participating in global transaction

    Cause: too many sessions at this site for this transaction.

    Action: use an existing link so another session need not be created.

ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed by the SESSION_PER_USER clause of the user prfile.

    Action: End one or more concurrent sessions or ask the database administrator to increase the SESSION_PER_USER limit of the user profile.

ORA-06604: LU6.2 Driver: Unable to allocate session with remote LU

    Cause: Allocate system call failed.

    Action: Ensure that the SNA software is running and that sessions are free. If this is the case, then check your SNA configuration data for errors. You may have entered an incorrect parameter.

ORA-12721: operation cannot execute when other sessions are active

    Cause: This command can only be run when there are no other sessions active

    Action: Ensure there are no other connections to the database

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

    Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table which is already in use.

    Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction specific temporary table have to end their transactions.

ORA-16255: Log Auto Delete conflicts with another LogMiner session

    Cause: Log Auto Delete cannot be on while another LogMiner session is running on the same database.

    Action: Start Logical Standby without Log Auto Delete or destroy other LogMiner sessions first.

ORA-16727: resource guard cannot close database

    Cause: The resource guard could not close the database.

    Action: Check if there any active sessions connect to the database, terminate them, then reissue the request.

ORA-24413: Invalid number of sessions specified

    Cause: An invalid combination of minimum, maximum and increment number of sessions was specified in the OCISessionPoolCreate call.

    Action: Specify a valid combination of parameters.

ORA-24414: Only %d sessions could be started.

    Cause: The number of sessions specified by the minSess parameter of OCISessionPoolCreate could not be started, possibly because the value supplied was larger than that supported by the server."

    Action: This is a warning. Check the maximum number of sessions allowed on the server.

ORA-24417: Session pool size has exceeded the maximum limit

    Cause: The number of sessions has exceeded the maximum size of the Session Pool.

    Action: This is a warning. You can tune the session pool with appropriate minimum and maximum parameters.

ORA-24418: Cannot open further sessions.

    Cause: Sufficient number of sessions are not present in the pool to execute the call. No new sessions can be opened as the sessMax parameter supplied in OCISessionPoolCreate has been reached.

    Action: Call OCISessionPoolCreate in OCI_SPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode and increase the value of the sessMax parameter.

ORA-24422: error occurred while trying to destroy the Session Pool

    Cause: An attempt was made to destroy the session pool while some sessions in the pool were busy.

    Action: Ensure that no sessions from the pool are being used OR call OCISessionPoolDestroy with mode set to OCI_SPD_FORCE.

ORA-31398: DBMS_LDAP: Shared servers are not supported.

    Cause: The session executing functions from the DBMS_LDAP package is being handled by a shared server in the Database.

    Action: Use dedicated database sessions to execute functions in the DBMS_LDAP package.

ORA-37115: New OLAP API history is not allowed

    Cause: If there are active OLAP API sessions, it is not allowed to start a new OLAP API history by setting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true.

    Action: Wait until all active OLAP API sessions terminate before resetting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true.

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait.\n%s

    Cause: The Data Pump job is stalled with one or more of its sessions having a resumable wait. Resumable waits are typically caused by a non-expandable tablespace running out of space. The follow-on message describes the nature of the wait.

    Action: Correct the condition causing the wait. This will typically involve adding datafiles to the tablespace that is full.

This parameter is documented in the Oracle Server Reference Guide. Search for more info about [ sessions ] on the Oracle FAQ.