Re: Performance issue on query doing smart scan

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 11:36:30 +0000
Message-ID: <>

*That last observation means that if the inputs and data sizes for this query are typical then a nested loop join using a perfect index into the partitioned table might have to decompress 415 (query high) to find the 415 relevant rows - which would be a tiny amount of I/O and CPU compared to the current load . It's not quite that nice, though, because with the best local index it looks as if you'd have to probe all 181 partitions of the index for each of the 34 driving rows (and you might decide that you don't want to create the index). *

It's very much up to you to work out what you consider to be the perfect index - but from what you've said so far on this thread the combination of predicates you've indicated and your preference for local indexes does suggest a locial index on (anum,did) or (dd, anum). I note, though, that the original statement you sent us included a predicate "i_dt between :1 and :2", which also telling us that the table was partitioned on pt_dt but no partition elimination was occurring. Is "i_dt" actually the partitioning "pt_dt" or is is another column that might need to be in the index.

I suggest you extract a few partitions of data from your table and do a few experiments to give you some idea of how Oracle will use the index you've suggested with the code you've supplied. The key detail is that you don't want Oracle to visit the table unless it absolutely has to.

I'd have to check one of the Exadata books (Kerry Osborne et. al.) for your version of Oracle on Exadata, but I think the following stats highlight the symptom:

cell CUs sent
cell physical IO bytes sent directly to DB node to balance CPU 15,739,502,952.00

I'm not sure how Oracle is counting (or possibly double counting) because I would have expected query high CUs to be close to 32KB each so sending 866,940 of them to the database server for decompression should have meant something like 26GB sent to DB node; however there is some consistency visible in other numbers viz:

  EHCC Turbo Scan CUs Decompressed 1,212,123.00 =   cell CUs sent compressed 866,940.00 + cell CUs sent uncompressed 345,183.00

Jonathan Lewis

Jonathan Lewis

On Sat, 23 Jan 2021 at 15:00, Lok P <> wrote:

> Thank You Jonathan.

Regarding the index , as we are really avoiding any global index because of maintenance issues and we have to scan all the partitions data, so are you pointing towards trying a composite local index on ANUM, DID ?

Received on Mon Jan 25 2021 - 12:36:30 CET

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