Re: How does licensing work for open source software(available on the internet) or books written

From: kunwar singh <>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 06:35:16 -0500
Message-ID: <>

*" So you're basically asking to "Let me just take all the work you put into writing your book, and sell it as my own".* *No , that is not what i asked nor what i am planning to do*. Let me clarify- What i want to avoid is to do a small repetitive work that is not my research nor my main point. And i want to do this without going the wrong way legally & avoiding licensing troubles.

When did i say that i will sell all as i my own work , it as my own?

If you read any book , whenever author refers that content from another he make mention of that. So i was looking for exact dos and donts.

For e.g. if you see this .sql from Tanel , he reference it to Tom Kyte.

  • Notes: This script is based on Tom Kyte's original printtbl code ( )
  • For coding simplicity (read: lazyness) I'm using custom quotation marks ( q'\ ) so
  • this script works only from Oracle 10gR2 onwards I want to do something like above.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 10:53 PM Stefan Knecht <> wrote:

> The whole point of someone writing a book is for them to express their
> opinion and show their research. Not copy others.
> How would you feel if someone went over your scripts library that out of
> good will you share with others, and then tries to make money off of your
> work by blatantly copying it and selling it as their own?
> Also, just because someone posts something on a blog, does not make it
> "open source" and automagically GPL licensed for you to use and sell as
> your own as you please. I'm not a lawyer, but I wouldn't be surprised to
> get sued if I did that. Again, I'm not a lawyer, but intellectual property
> is still intellectual property, whether it's published on a blog or not.
> And the link you mention to the archive, that is from Chris'
> book. So you're basically asking to "Let me just take all the work you put
> into writing your book, and sell it as my own".
> But this isn't so much about "licensing" (copyright would be a better
> term) but about ethical standards, really.
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 1:36 AM kunwar singh <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Listers,
>> I have one question.
>> I am thinking of writing a book/blog and because i have never done these
>> before i have one question .
>> *What are the licensing dos and donts when using or referencing work of
>> others.*
>> Lets say i write a blog/book and reference for e.g. exact testcase used
>> in the below blog.
>> Or is that a strict no-no? Does every piece of blog/book have to be
>> written by myself or does it depend on the flexibility or license details
>> put by the author of the referenced blog/blook?
>> I plan put the reference details at the end of the blog/book.
>> another example.
>> i plan to use few of the scripts from the below:
>> Some of the blogs/book refer to
>> What does it mean in simple terms. This is my first time so wondering and
>> any inputs would be appreciated :)
>> Apologies if this is a very basic qn, but none of my peers/seniors have
>> written a book and i have great regard for community here , so though of
>> checking.
>> P.S. My above example is just one out of many i may use. I use many such
>> on my day-to-day work
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Kunwar
> --
> //
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Received on Fri Feb 21 2020 - 12:35:16 CET

Original text of this message