Re: SQL Dev Feature Request - Smart SQL (define row colors within result sets).

From: Mikhail Velikikh <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 16:19:05 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Hi Ethan,

Posting here for comment/debate and the solutions you are using

I know it is possible to highlight columns using custom HTML and displays gauges in the Grid as Jeff Smith blogged about:

SQL Developer Query & Grid Tricks : Using HTML to Mark Up Your Data in Oracle SQL Developer :

I use ANSI escape codes in the terminal (mine is Alacritty: ) to highlight SQLPROMPT in SQL*Plus whether I connected as SYS-something (SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, etc.) or as a normal user.

On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 at 15:36, Ethan Post <> wrote:

> I opened a feature request for SQL Developer. Posting here for
> comment/debate and the solutions you are using. Once I figure out how to
> actually link to the feature request and you can vote if you like.
> One of the reasons I submitted is a query I am writing for
> which I would like to run in SQL
> Developer with F9 not F5 (script) and render the grid with certain lines in
> certain colors easily. I will be pushing out some cool updates to ArcSQL
> later today.
> Thanks,
> Ethan
> _at_poststop
> This is "nice to have" feature. I would like the ability to define colors
> (and perhaps other attributes) for certain lines and columns in SQL
> Developer using the returned data itself. A very rudimentary implementation
> would be a special column which contains #XXXXXX color hash. As long as I
> tell SQL Developer that column "foo" is a column containing certain
> instructions the line would be rendered using the color defined in the
> column.
> My use case is a result set that contains three rows for each entity I am
> interested in. I need to look at certain lines across entities. Returning
> log file type data would also be a use case. It would make it very easy to
> spot the lines we are interested in within the greater context of the
> result set.
> Thanks for considering. I know there are ways to do this with HTML but
> that in my opinion is too much work and ugly. I want to see SQL Developer
> become the only tool I need and I want to be able to share solutions easily
> with others that are pure SQL, work even if the color capability is not
> present, and have enhanced power if run within SQL Developer. Maybe we can
> call it "Smart SQL".

Received on Fri Dec 13 2019 - 17:19:05 CET

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