unable to extend temp

From: Jack van Zanen <jack_at_vanzanen.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 08:56:51 +1000
Message-ID: <CAFeFPA-eB49PEQYiL-vaKvYy=aNCMCptUEKgjWLy09cBt3MJ0Q_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi All

Oracle RAC exadata OEL

In our test PDB we had an issue yesterday where we were getting s lot of unable to extent in tablespace temp messages.

Fair enough so I checked the sort_usage but this came back with hardly any temp being used at the time.
I have searched metalink and found a bug that was fixed in in version 11 or so..
Anyone aware of anything that could cause this


, b.segfile#
, b.segblk#
, ROUND ( ( ( b.blocks * p.VALUE ) / 1024 / 1024 ), 2 ) size_mb
, a.inst_ID
, a.SID
, a.serial#
, a.username
, a.osuser
, a.program
, a.status
FROM gv$session a
, gv$sort_usage b
, gv$process c
, gv$parameter p
WHERE p.NAME = 'db_block_size' AND a.saddr = b.session_addr AND a.paddr = c.addr -- AND b.TABLESPACE='TEMP2' ORDER BY a.inst_ID , b.TABLESPACE
, b.segfile#
, b.segblk#
, b.blocks;

at the time we had parameter temp_undo_enabled set to true (testing this across all our test environments)

so I also checked

select * from gv$tempundostat

which also did not return a usage consistent with running out of temp.

The bug I found led me to a couple of sql statements which do not mean a whole lot to me

select inst_id, tablespace_name,
round((total_blocks*8192)/(1024*1024*1024),2) "Space(GB)"  from gv$sort_segment
 where tablespace_name='TEMP'
 order by 1;

 select sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024, owner from gv$temp_extent_map group by owner;

  select inst_id, blocks_cached, blocks_used, extents_cached, extents_used from GV$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL;

what are they supposed to represent as the only information the document provided was that it could assist with troubleshooting

Jack van Zanen

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Received on Wed Jul 31 2019 - 00:56:51 CEST

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