System stats

From: Cee Pee <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 23:56:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>


I was reading up on system stats and came across this link:

Here are some of the things the author says:

  1. "if you are at a decision point and you need to choose whether to gather them or not, then in most cases you should use the defaults and *not *gather system statistics."

Doesnt setting systems help a lot these days esp with faster IO devices. Do the listers collect system stats in your environments, test. prod, etc?

2. "there is at least *some *management or procedural overhead required to maintain them"

'Maintaining' stats? I thought once we set the system stats we leave it out there forever without touching it?

Thanks all,

Received on Mon Mar 25 2019 - 05:56:13 CET

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